Our great strengths include our embrace of multiple methodologies from quantitative to qualitative, the use of thoughtful comparative research, and boundary spanning between academia and policy and practice. These – and our vibrant mix of members, including active participation from student members and early career researchers – help us to create a dynamic and pro-active environment in which to challenge existing thinking and push the boundaries of knowledge and practice.
The RSA research portfolio raises the profile of regional research. It champions regional studies and science in all its forms, providing state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and delivering a public and policy facing narrative which demonstrates value in improving the day to day lives of citizens’ globally. The RSA welcomes research from any discipline contributing to advancing our understandings of regions and regional development. We adopt an open and plural definition of regions, focusing on dynamics of regional (subnational) change whether this is in global megaregions or more remote, peripheral locations. Key characteristics of research in the RSA portfolio is research that has impact, asks critical questions about data and methods, and pushes the scientific frontiers of theoretical and conceptual development.
RSA’s research portfolio includes but is not restricted to the following themes:
- Global geopolitics, infrastructure and security
- Crises, external shocks and resilience
- North-south relations and southern urbanism
- Varieties of capitalism and the role of the state
- Informal economies, urbanisation and development
- Digitalisation, AI, Industry 4.0
- Global production networks, value/supply chains and trade
- Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation
- Agglomeration, industrial districts, clusters and networks
- Finance, knowledge and skills
- Territorial politics, policy and governance
- Regionalism, identity politics and citizenship
- Governance, planning and place leadership
- Planning, design and the built environment
- Settlements, land and housing
- Climate change adaptation, energy and sustainable transitions
- Food, water and poverty
- Inequalities, cohesion and spatial justice
- Demography, migration and work
- Health, well-being and creativity
Support us
The Regional Studies Association is a registered charity that works with researchers and policymakers across all career stages and geographical regions in the field of regional studies and science. We believe that all voices should be heard, and we work hard to ensure our community is an inclusive and diverse environment in which to share and disseminate regional research. Through research grants, knowledge exchange, capacity building events, publications, and policy engagement, and together with our membership community, we support regional research, policy and development. Our contribution to research and knowledge exchange leads to evidence informed policymaking and improves people’s opportunities and outcomes via the latest research and through engagement and communication. We welcome donations and legacies that will contribute to the fund now and in years to come. Find out how you can support our work in advancing regional studies and science, to support researchers and the global regional studies community. If you are interested in finding out how you can support a researcher in the fields of regional studies or regional science, please contact Alan Kinder, RSA Chief Executive, tel: +44(0)1273 698 017, email alan.kinder@regionalstudies.org

Donate to the RSA’s General Fund
We are calling for donations for our general fund which allows us to invest in the community by running free conferences that provides knowledge exchange, capacity building and networking opportunities to the regional studies and science networks, give conference bursaries (conference fee waivers) to participants and award excellent conference papers with a Best Paper Award.
Your support could make a real difference!
Donate to the RSA’s General Fund

Donate to the Early Career Grant Scheme
The RSA’s Early Career Grant Scheme has been running since 2011 and has helped built the career of 40+ early career researchers. We are very proud of the positive impact these grants had and, in some cases, the funded research helped to develop projects that then resulted in larger grants. The grant supports a discrete piece of regional studies and/or regional science research of individual applicants in their early career.

Donate a Prize or Award
Help us support and celebrate current and future leaders in the field with a prize or award of excellence. The RSA gives a variety of awards annually to celebrate excellence in the field.

Donate a Travel Grant
RSA Travel Grants provide up to £500 towards travel costs to attend a non-RSA event. This grant has been running since 2008 and is highly appreciated within the RSA community.
Policy documents
If you are looking for something specific, please use our document search form. Otherwise, please find below our current governance and policy documents.