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News Categories: RSA Blog

Reading time: 5 minutes

For more related to this blog, check out the full article recently published.   Legal geography as a subdiscipline of human geography has been progressively gaining momentum across geographic and legal fora. Legal geography examines the co-constitutivity of law, power, and place, and has been employed to explore issues of spatial justice across contexts and […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

In the last two decades, there has been a considerable shift in the patterns of global growth in terms of trade and investment from the “Global North” towards the “Global South” economies particularly Brazil, China and India. However, as a flip side, these upsurged developments and growth are imposing the environmental cost across the globe […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.   Two years after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the European landscape has been completely transformed by Ukrainian migrants fleeing their homeland. According to the European Union, around 4.2 million Ukrainians currently receive temporary protection in EU countries, which entitles them to residence permits, […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Logistics warehouses, hubs, and freight villages are spreading rapidly in European metropolitan peripheral areas. They sustain local economies, but as an adverse effect, they increase traffic, pollution, land consumption, and, sometimes, migrant workers’ exploitation. Policy and planning by public administrators and decisions by private logistics stakeholders have essential and controversial roles in logistics development, which […]

Kazakh rural terrain
Reading time: 5 minutes

One, None or Thousand Ruralities in Europe? In Europe, rural areas account for 83% of the EU surface and 30.6% of its population (2018). These areas are very different across Europe, spanning islands, mountains, remote areas, shrinking regions and so on. From a theoretic viewpoint, the rural diversity’s notion lays in the recognition that both […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.   Newfoundland and Tasmania, Australia, have been described as ‘mirror islands’ with striking linkages. Site of one of the field excursions during the authors’ 12-day exchange to Tasmania, Australia. (Author Provided, Brady Reid)   In an era of “global […]

Reading time: 7 minutes

The advent of technology and concomitant digitalisation has unleashed new business models and working arrangements in urban centres. The gig and platform economy are at the heart of this structural transformation of jobs, disrupting sectors like ride-hailing transport services, education, home services, food delivery, retail, logistics and so on. I refer to this as ‘Digihenheimer’- […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This blog follows a webinar by Professor Deden who discussed the process of publishing academic books, from start to finish. The session was moderated by Dr. Mennatullah Hendawy, the research lead at Impact Circles e.V. The session aimed at discussing publishing academic books, covering various steps from where to begin to the flow of publishing. […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer.   There has been much research on motorways and their impact on surrounding areas with considerable evidence that motorways cause suburbanisation while also increasing population levels and economic performance […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer.   The impacts of climate change in the UK are becoming increasingly tangible, while the farming sector’s role in mitigating and adapting to these changes is a hotly debated […]

Image - Network connection partnership and world map
Reading time: 6 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer.   The Regional Studies Association’s Annual Conference saw Sandrine Kergroach chair Professor Riccardo Crescenzi, Oliver Harman and Anna Hammarberg for the Opening Plenary session. The following piece is a […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer.   How can we call ourselves a democracy if fewer and fewer people participate in elections? Everyone who seeks to understand today’s politics and tomorrow’s ought to be interested […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

It was great to see six sessions at RSA 2023 in Ljubljana as part of a theme on Climate Change, Energy & Environmental Sustainability. Several other sessions were focused on sustainability as well. Many of the papers presented technical analyses of supporting blue or green economy initiatives. While these are much needed, we also need […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer.   In the era of globalization, innovative development and the artificial intelligence revolution have transformed the global economy. Economists have long viewed technological progress and innovation as dominant economic […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This blog is published in support of the recently funded EdgeNet research network. To learn more be sure to catch them (online or in person) for their Edgy Matters paper sessions and launch party at the 2023 RSA Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia: Edgy Matters 1: Experiencing and constructing ‘left behind-ness’ in the periphery and Edgy Matters […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer. Link to Original Article: Do EU goals matter? Assessing the localization of sustainable urban logistics governance goals in Norwegian cities.    Urban logistics- the transport of goods and services in […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

This Blog follows the recent release of a report for IUK by Professor Nick Clifton and Dr. Gary Walpole.   The IPCC (UN) Climate Change Report (2023) generated stark headlines, warning of future existential crises if public and private sector actors do not make radical operational and strategic changes regarding all aspects of production and […]

Reading time: 5 minutes

Economic cohesion and convergence lie at the heart of the European project. Recently, these objectives have been undermined by the 2008-2009 financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, they are at risk again as Europe seeks to green and digitalize its economy. The findings of our study Technological Capabilities and the Twin Transition in Europe […]

Reading time: 6 minutes

In India, the 1993-94 constitutional amendments extended the state’s and local government’s role in the investment-related decision-making powers to improve their economic performance. A significant reason behind such an unprecedented rise of decentralization reforms is associated with the long-term outcome of regional economic growth. This transition towards market-oriented resource allocation from centralized planning has enhanced […]

Reading time: 8 minutes

In 2022 the Levelling Up White Paper confirmed that regional inequalities in the UK have been steadily widening over recent decades, and that one of the key drivers of this divergence has been rapidly growing levels of income per head and productivity in London and the South East. However, a recent set of articles have […]

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