The objective of JRER, published by ARES, is to investigate and expand the frontiers of knowledge that cover business applications through scholarly real estate research.
The objective of JRER, published by ARES, is to investigate and expand the frontiers of knowledge that cover business applications through scholarly real estate research.
The purpose of JREPM, published by ARES, is to disseminate applied research on real estate investment and portfolio management.
The Journal of Real Estate Literature (JREL), published by ARES, is different from most academic journals in that it is composed of several sub-sections with different purposes.
The Journal of Housing Research (JHR) is a publication of the American Real Estate Society (ARES), published with the generous and ongoing support of Fannie Mae.
Urban, Planning & Transport Research is an open access journal offering wide dissemination of new research in urban, planning and transport research to a global audience.
Development Studies Research ( DSR) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform to further debates on development studies and development issues.
The Baltic Journal of Economics (BJE) disseminates high-quality original and innovative papers within a broad range of economic disciplines especially those relevant for the Baltic region.
Urban Policy and Research focuses on the field of urban studies and urban policy for those with an interest in Australia, New Zealand and the wider Asia Pacific region.
Regional Insights was a magazine published by the RSA which sought to make research findings from early career researchers more accessible to a wider audience.
The world of public policy has become an increasingly small one through dramatic changes to global political and economic institutional structures and have broadened the fields of policy studies.
Planning Practice & Research (PPR)has become the source for information on current research in planning practice.
Mobilities stands as a testament to John Urry’s pioneering work and leadership in the ‘new mobilities paradigm’ in social science research.
The Journal of Urbanism is a multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on human settlement and its relation to the idea of sustainability, social justice and cultural understanding.
International Planning Studies ( IPS ) publishes quality research in a variety of fields and from a range of perspectives which helps improve understanding of planning and planner roles.
Economic development and growth depend as much on social innovations as on technological advance, alongside institutional and organisational change and the informal sector.
Eurasian Geography and Economics welcomes papers on geographical and economic issues in the Eurasian region.
Environmental Politics provides a forum for the publication of original research into, and discussion and analysis of, the diverse theoretical and empirical aspects of environmental politics.
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development addresses the central factors in economic development – entrepreneurial vitality and innovation – as local and regional phenomena.
East European Politics publishes research covering the government, politics, and societies of the post-communist space, including East Central and South Eastern Europe, Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union.
Climate and Development is dedicated to the range of issues that arise when climate variability, climate change and climate policy are considered along with development needs, impacts and priorities.
City provides provocative, cutting-edge and committed insights into, analysis of, and commentary on the contemporary urban world.
Cities & Health supports human and planetary health by sharing the latest international research and practice for urban health and health equity.
Applied Mobilities publishes research and practice-orientated perspectives in mobilities, focusing planning, design, technologies and social and cultural applications.