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Territories Categories: Brazil

In the last two decades, there has been a considerable shift in the patterns of global growth in terms of trade and investment from the “Global North” towards the “Global South” economies particularly Brazil, China and India. However, as a flip side, these upsurged developments and growth are imposing the environmental cost across the globe […]

Igor Tupy  is an Associate (tenured) Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, UFV (Department of Economics), Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Economics at the Centre for Development and Regional Planning (CEDEPLAR) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Igor’s main research interests include Urban and Regional Economics with a […]

Este blog forma parte de la serie “Perspectivas Latinoamericanas en Estudios Regionales” y fue publicado en inglés y español. English version.   Al igual que durante el período colonial, la incorporación más reciente de América Latina a los flujos comerciales de la economía mundial se ha centrado principalmente en los recursos naturales. El superciclo de […]

This blog is part of the “Latin American Perspectives in Regional Studies” series and was published in both Spanish and English. La version en español.   The subject of fiscal, political and administrative decentralisation remains a part of the discussion about the regional economy since it is hoped distinct decentralisation processes will contribute to a […]

Este blog forma parte de la serie “Perspectivas Latinoamericanas en Estudios Regionales” y fue publicado en inglés y español. English version.   El tema de la descentralización fiscal, política, y administrativa permanece dentro del debate de la economía regional ya que se espera que los distintos procesos de descentralización contribuyan a una distribución de la […]

Profile - Clelio Campolina Diniz

Clelio Campolina Diniz is a doctor in Economics and full professor. He served as a Director of the Center for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar), as a Director of the Faculty of Economics, and also as a Rector of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. He also served as Brazil’s Minister for Science, Technology and […]

The RSA Travel Grant award enabled my participation at the 2019 Meeting of the “Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional”  (ENANPUR) that took place in the city of Natal. The meeting of the ENANPUR is firmly established as one of the major Latin American conferences for those […]

Watch the webinar recording featuring an RSA-sponsored Policy Expo book Putting Universities in their Place: An evidence based approach to understanding the contribution of higher education to local and regional development: Speakers: Lucir Reinaldo Alves, Western Parana State University, Brazil; Louise Kempton, Newcastle University, UK;  Maria Conceição Rego, Evora University, Portugal Chair: Anne Rimmer, Policy […]

Pedro Amaral

Caro(a) colega, seja benvindo(a) ao pedacinho brasileiro da Regional Studies Association, uma associação que preza pela multidisciplinaridade e busca valorizar e viabilizar a pesquisa e a interação acadêmica, fundamentais para o crescimento e consolidação da área em países em desenvolvimento como o nosso. A crescente preocupação com a influência local e regional no desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil e América […]

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