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Territories Categories: Norway

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PhD Fellowships in Innovation and Regional Studies Application website: Deadline: 20th Feb. 2025  Job description The University of Stavanger invites applicants for two PhD Fellowships in Innovation and Regional Studies at the UiS School of Business and Law, Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing. The positions are vacant from 01.08.2025. This is a trainee […]

Marte C.W. Solheim is Associate Professor and Head of the Stavanger Centre for Innovation Research, UiS Business School, Norway and a public speaker on diversity and innovation. She carries out research on diversity and innovation, combining insights from organizational theory, innovation studies and economic geography She is invited to speak at national diversity conferences as […]

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Norway Maria Tsouri Kjære RSA-medlemmer, Jeg heter Maria Tsouri, jeg er førsteamanuensis ved Mohn Senter for innovasjon og regional utvikling ved Høgskolen på Vestlandet, og jeg er ambassadør for RSA for Norge. Min personlige akademiske bakgrunn er økonomisk geografi, og mine forskningsinteresser ligger mellom innovasjonsgeografi og overgangen til […]

Lars Coenen is an economic geographer and scholar in innovation studies. His research interests converge around the geography of innovation: Why is it that some regions and cities in the world stand out in their ability to foster and diffuse novelty? What explains this spatial concentration of innovation in an era of globalization? How can […]

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