PhD Fellowships in Innovation and Regional Studies Application website: Deadline: 20th Feb. 2025 Job description The University of Stavanger invites applicants for two PhD Fellowships in Innovation and Regional Studies at the UiS School of Business and Law, Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing. The positions are vacant from 01.08.2025. This is a trainee […]
The RSA is pleased to announce the appointment of a new RSA Ambassador to Norway. Maria Tsouri is Associate Professor in Innovation and Regional Development at the Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Maria has had strong engagement with RSA over time, is a Fellow of the RSA and was the recipient […]
This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer. Link to Original Article: Do EU goals matter? Assessing the localization of sustainable urban logistics governance goals in Norwegian cities. Urban logistics- the transport of goods and services in […]
This blog follows the recent release of the book Paradiplomacy in Europe. The cases of Galicia, Åland, Flanders and Greenland. The idea of the “Europe of the regions”, multilevel governance, and the so-called paradiplomacy (Aldecoa and Keating, 2000) of substate governments is something that has less of a shine than what was the case […]
Marte C.W. Solheim is Associate Professor and Head of the Stavanger Centre for Innovation Research, UiS Business School, Norway and a public speaker on diversity and innovation. She carries out research on diversity and innovation, combining insights from organizational theory, innovation studies and economic geography She is invited to speak at national diversity conferences as […]
This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures – Little did I know what influence the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic would have on my plans of conducting a case study to […]
This blog was written for the RSA Blog Student Summer Series that will highlight graduate student success in regional studies across the globe throughout the summer. Iceland’s remote communities are experiencing the combined impact of declining fisheries, de-population and socio-economic instability. Having spent twenty years working on industrial heritage conservation in a professional capacity I […]
This article first appeared on ROBUST’s website and has been re-blogged with permission from the authors. Modern lives are increasingly multilocal – but rural-urban policies are often yet to catch up. ROBUST’s Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Ulla Ovaska and Theresia Oedl-Wieser reflect on what we know about multilocality, and what we should rethink as rural regions look ahead to futures beyond recovery. […]
A welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Denmark, Laura James Laura James is Associate Professor in the Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University in Denmark. Laura is a long time friend of the RSA and has been on the RSA Nordic Division (NoRSA) Board for many years. She replaces Henrik Halkier who […]
Welcome message from the RSA Ambassadpr to Sweden, Roman Martin Dear friends of regional studies, It is a pleasure to introduce myself to you as RSA Ambassador to Sweden. Feel welcome to contact me if you are curious about regional studies in Sweden or want to get involved in RSA. Please find below a welcome […]
Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Norway Maria Tsouri Kjære RSA-medlemmer, Jeg heter Maria Tsouri, jeg er førsteamanuensis ved Mohn Senter for innovasjon og regional utvikling ved Høgskolen på Vestlandet, og jeg er ambassadør for RSA for Norge. Min personlige akademiske bakgrunn er økonomisk geografi, og mine forskningsinteresser ligger mellom innovasjonsgeografi og overgangen til […]
Lars Coenen is an economic geographer and scholar in innovation studies. His research interests converge around the geography of innovation: Why is it that some regions and cities in the world stand out in their ability to foster and diffuse novelty? What explains this spatial concentration of innovation in an era of globalization? How can […]
NORSA was formally established at a meeting in Umeå, Sweden, in September 2008. NORSA is a non-political, voluntary, self-governing organisation with non-profit objectives and shares the aims and objects of the Regional Studies Association, which are: (a) to promote education in the field of regional studies (those studies which relate to the economic, physical and […]
Organisers: Prof. C. Patrick Heidkamp, Southern Connecticut State University Dr. John Morrissey, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick Dr. Catherine Chambers, University Centre of the Westfjords Coastal areas, despite only occupying a relatively small percentage of the Earth’s land-surface, provide more than one third of the globe’s value of ecosystem services. Coastal areas are also […]
Organisers Marijn Molema, Fryske Akademy, Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, the Netherlands Arno van der Zwet, University of the West of Scotland, UK Martin Åberg, Centre for Regional Studies, University of Karlstad Sara Svensson, Center for Policy Studies, Central European University The past plays a crucial role in understanding, developing and implementing regional economic development […]
The CEE Division comprised of Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Poland, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. However, the CEE Division is inclusive and we also welcome members from other countries not listed here. The CEE Division is a limited […]
Policy Expo 2018: Place-based Policy Expo: Enhancing Relevance, Sharpening Our Understanding The Regional Studies Association commissioned a Policy Expo to look at place-based policy and its implementation around the globe. The research was led by: Andrew Beer, University of South Australia Markku Sotarauta, Tampere University Sarah Ayres, University of Bristol, UK Jiri Blazek, Charles University, Prague Fiona McKenzie, RMIT University […]
In the previous blog post we highlighted our forthcoming conference in Tampere, Finland from 5 to 8 May this year. If this alone does not tempt you to book a place on the conference (still time to put an abstract in!) then the city of Tampere should. Tampere is the third largest city in Finland, […]
The deadline for abstract submission for the Regional Studies Association European Conference is fast approaching (Sunday 27th January). This year the conference is hosted by the University of Tampere in Finland and will take place from 5th – 8th May. The conference theme is ‘Shape and Be Shaped: the future dynamics of regional development’. […]
Welcome message from RSA Ambassador to Finland, Markku Sotarauta Markku Sotarauta is Professor of Regional Development Studies in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland. In 2011-2013, he served as the founding Dean of the School of Management and in 2009-2010 as the last Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administration. […]