The Department of Economics and Law at Sapienza University of Rome organizes a workshop on “Advances in Spatial and Network Modelling for Policy Making”, to be held at the Faculty of Economics of Sapienza University of Rome on 29th and 30th May 2025. Keynote Speakers: Giovanni Millo, University of Trieste Luisa Corrado, University of Rome […]
CALL FOR PAPERS The International Conference on Urban e-Planning is the main annual meeting of the ‘Urban e-Planning Research Network’ (UEPNET). It will have its 9th edition in 2025. These conferences have been promoted in articulation with the International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR) and were hosted at the U. Lisbon from 2016 to 2024. […]
The current vacancy is in the Territorial Development Unit within the Fair and Sustainable Economy Directorate of the JRC. The mission of the unit is to support the territorial articulation of the EU policy agenda, its external investment and global outreach. Our aim is to deliver world-class science-for-policy support to bring Europe closer to citizens […]
The Institute for Sociology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava invites applications for a Researcher position. While all areas of sociology and political science are considered, preference will be given to candidates with expertise in quantitative methods. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. The position offers a gross monthly salary of […]
For more related to this blog, check out the full article recently published. Legal geography as a subdiscipline of human geography has been progressively gaining momentum across geographic and legal fora. Legal geography examines the co-constitutivity of law, power, and place, and has been employed to explore issues of spatial justice across contexts and […]
Logistics warehouses, hubs, and freight villages are spreading rapidly in European metropolitan peripheral areas. They sustain local economies, but as an adverse effect, they increase traffic, pollution, land consumption, and, sometimes, migrant workers’ exploitation. Policy and planning by public administrators and decisions by private logistics stakeholders have essential and controversial roles in logistics development, which […]
“Our island of Madeira is one of the essential and advantageous things that we and the crown of our kingdoms have for help and support. […] It seems just and necessary that said island […] should be the exclusive property of our crown forever.” Through that letter (1497), Manuel I of Portugal asserted his sovereignty […]
Ugo Fratesi is Full Professor of Regional Economics and Policy at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. From June 2023, he is the Editor in Chief of Spatial Economic Analysis. Previously, for eight years until 2021, he was Editor of main section papers and Book Review Editor of Regional Studies and, for five years until 2012, of […]
Ugo Fratesi is Full Professor of Regional Economics and Policy at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. From June 2023, he is the Editor in Chief of Spatial Economic Analysis. Previously, for eight years until 2021, he was Editor of main section papers and Book Review Editor of Regional Studies and, for five years until 2012, of […]
Logistics City-Regions in Transition. New Spatial Imaginary? Over the last few years, the goods distribution system in European cities has suffered a strong fragmentation. City-regions are substituting cities in the global economic and political setting and their roles in the world economy related to logistics. Understanding the policy and governance dimension of logistics and freight […]
This blog follows the recent release of the book Paradiplomacy in Europe. The cases of Galicia, Åland, Flanders and Greenland. The idea of the “Europe of the regions”, multilevel governance, and the so-called paradiplomacy (Aldecoa and Keating, 2000) of substate governments is something that has less of a shine than what was the case […]
Small Grant Scheme on Pandemics, Cities, Regions & Industry: Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Green Patents in the Eurozone The project presented here looks at several highly relevant issues that are interrelated and require a joint approach: innovation, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Firstly, innovative investment is considered a particularly relevant topic, since […]
The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is currently the largest global investment initiative into infrastructures. In this blogpost we present the actor constellations behind two exemplary Chinese funded road infrastructures in two major BRI projects. To realise the BRI, China makes use of several investment and delivery arms to fund projects, which […]
Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Spain, Professor Coro Chasco Estimado colega, bienvenido a la delegación en España de la Asociación de Estudios Regionales (“Regional Studies Association, RSA”). La RSA es una sociedad científica dedicada a las cuestiones regionales y al análisis geoespacial, en general, que constituye una auténtica red para académicos, estudiantes, profesionales […]
Established in 1980 in Milan, CSIL is an independent research and consulting company specialising in applied economic research with specific expertise in regional, industrial, research and innovation policies. CSIL’s experts are driven by the search for hard facts that tell relevant stories and by a genuine passion for understanding growth and innovation processes. Over the […]
Designing Regional Innovation Policies from Innovation Scoreboards This MeRSA project aims to transform the European Innovation Scoreboard into a useful instrument for the definition, measurement and directionality of innovation policies. The project goes beyond the state-of-the-art by developing a technology (i.e. computational software) that measures innovation from multiple perspectives (i.e. glasses): size, efficiency, cross efficiency, […]
The Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly altered the habits and lifestyle of worldwide populations and will have effects in the medium-long run. The need for «social distancing» has encouraged a reschedule of the working methods. It was evident in the service industry, where remote working- including teleworking and home-working – achieved the limelight. Background […]
“My ideal mountain area is a lively place and a well-populated community of people” explained a young graduate from Slovenian Carinthia. The desire for a dynamic mountain life and vibrant villages is a constant in Euromontana’s new study on mountain youth. But do young people want to live or settle in the mountains? How can […]
Luisa Gagliardi is Assistant Professor at Bocconi University, Department of Management and Technology. Before joining Bocconi she was Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva, School of Social Sciences. Her research focuses on the role of human capital in shaping labor market, innovation and entrepreneurial outcomes. Among others, she studies how individual preferences and constraints relate to career […]
As the main redistributive policy of the European Union – amounting to roughly one third of the EU 7-year budget – cohesion policy offers considerable resources to tackle imbalances among European regions. The need to manage such an amount of public funds in an effective and accountable inevitably brings about specific requirements for evaluation. These […]
Andrea is Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) in L’Aquila, Italy. Before joining GSSI, he received his PhD in Economic Geography from the London School of Economics and subsequently served as Assistant Professor of Economic Geography in the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning of Utrecht University. Andrea’s […]
The countries of the Western Balkan region – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*[1], North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia – share a common aspiration for a future within the European Union, despite their diversity and idiosyncrasies[2]. That said, the territorial and political complexities of this region of nearly 20 million inhabitants, render the translation of EU […]
Corfu is the birthplace of great poets, writers and people of art and culture. Its historical background is linked to the acceptance of the principles of French and English town planning and Italian architecture in historic buildings. The appearance of capitalism in the regions were associated with the development of a new urban environment. First […]
Sanja Kmezić is a lecturer at the University of Graz, where she teaches Economic Analysis of Law, Socio-economic Development in South East Europe, and Transition Policy and Regional Development in South East Europe. Sanja has worked as an international consultant for the World Bank, European Commission, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and USAID on […]