We are very pleased to announce the appointment of the second RSA Ambassador to Turkey, Dr Hilal Erkuş-Öztürk
We are very pleased to announce the appointment of the second RSA Ambassador to Turkey, Dr Hilal Erkuş-Öztürk
Because of the high interest level regarding the association’s student and early careers social events that recently took place, our Early Career Representative Julie Miao was kind enough to put together some notes regarding the recent event that took place in Izmir, and to describe what those that could not attend missed. Following a long […]
This June is an extremely interesting month for us here at the Regional Studies Association. At this very moment the Regional Studies Association European Conference 2014 entitled: Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities and Territories is taking place in Izmir, Turkey. If you are not able to attend, do not worry. Out staff and fellow members […]