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Territories Categories: Western Europe

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Are you interested in research to understand housing inequality, and motivated to find governance approaches which can support older adult health and wellbeing? We are looking for a PhD candidate to take part in the research project ‘Housing Governance for Healthy Aging,’ led by Principal Investigators Dr. Sarah Mawhorter and Dr. Sara Özoğul together with […]

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Die Leuphana Universität Lüneburg steht als humanistische, nachhaltige und handlungsorientierte Universität für Innovation in Bildung und Wissenschaft. Methodische Vielfalt, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit, transdisziplinäre Kooperationen mit der Praxis und eine insgesamt dynamische Entwicklung prägen ihr Forschungsprofil in den Kernthemen Bildung, Kultur, Management/Technologie, Nachhaltigkeit und Staat. Ihr internationales Studienmodell mit dem Leuphana College, der Leuphana Graduate School und […]

Heike Mayer is Professor of Economic Geography in the Institute of Geography at the University of Bern in Switzerland. She is also a member of the University of Bern`s Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED). As a member of the University of Bern executive board, she holds the function of Vice-Rector Quality and Sustainable Development […]

Imogen Liu is Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Prior to joining the VU in 2023, she was a PhD candidate at Maastricht University where her dissertation focused on the transnational integration of Chinese state capital in Europe.   Situated at the intersection of political economy, economic geography and development studies, […]

Kerstin J. Schaefer is an assistant professor in Economic Geography at Utrecht University (UU) and a research project leader at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography at Leibniz University Hanover (LUH). Her active engagement in the Economic Geography scholar community includes serving as RSA Early Career representative and supporting the Young Economic Geographers Network […]

Profile - Ron Boschma

Ron Boschma is full professor in Regional Economics at Utrecht University, and Professor 2 at UiS Business School of Stavanger University. Boschma has been full professor in Innovation Studies at Lund University where he was also director of the Centre for Innovation, Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE). He is member of the […]

Dimitri Corpakis, is an independent expert, writing and talking on innovation, growth and technological change. An engineer and planner by training, he has more than 30 years’ experience on the European integration process. Dimitri worked for the European Commission in Brussels as well as for the Greek civil service. Prior to retiring from the European […]

The OECD’s Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE) helps national, regional and local governments unleash the potential of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), promote inclusive and sustainable growth in regions and cities, boost local job creation and implement sound tourism policies. Our work helps shape public policies to support growth, resilience […]

Staying in or Moving out? – Quality of Life, Interregional Migration Decisions and Covid-19 Although COVID-19 is a global health emergency, it is experienced in local contexts, which may not all be equally equipped to offer good quality of life in pandemic conditions. Exogenous shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and associated “lockdown” policies, may […]

Dr. Marcin Dąbrowski teaches and researches spatial planning and (multi-level) governance issues related to sustainable urban and regional futures. He is an assistant professor at the Department of Urbanism, being part of Delft University of Technology and its Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. With a background in political science and experience in research […]

The Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde, IfL) is the only non-university research institute for geography in Germany. Together with 96 other independent research institutions, the IfL is a member of the Leibniz Association. Under the heading “Geographies of the Regional” we analyse regional restructuring processes, their economic and social impacts, and regional […]

The European Association of Regional Development Agencies (EURADA) builds up a community through assembling a network of members from Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) across 23 different countries. The main focus of EURADA is centring on the continuous development and improvement of the economy of their regions. EURADA, being based in Brussels, has an important role […]

Nadir Kinossian is Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany. His research interests include territorial development, multilevel governance, cultural landscapes, and the post-socialist city. Recently, he has been working on the agentic and institutional aspects of change in old industrial regions in Europe and Russia. Currently, he is the Project […]

His prime scientific interests are within the fields of spatial planning instruments such as strategic spatial planning and place branding. His research involves also economic geography concepts and the embedding of these in evolutionary governance systems. His current research focuses on analyzing the effectiveness of strategic spatial planning instruments in supporting the social and economic […]

This article first appeared on ROBUST’s website and has been re-blogged with permission from the authors. Modern lives are increasingly multilocal – but rural-urban policies are often yet to catch up. ROBUST’s Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins, Ulla Ovaska and Theresia Oedl-Wieser reflect on what we know about multilocality, and what we should rethink as rural regions look ahead to futures beyond recovery. […]

Paula Prenzel is Assistant Professor of Regional Development at the University of Greifswald, Germany and leads a junior research group on the role of population structure in local economic development. She is particularly interested in how changes in population size and composition interact with regional disparities and innovation. Her research in economic geography engages with […]

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