Watch the recording of our webinar and learn more about the Early Career Research Grant Scheme – Grants and Funding: An introduction to the Early Career Research Grant Scheme by the RSA with Stuart Dawley (University of Newcastle, UK), I-Chun Catherine Chang (Macalester College, USA) and Jacopo Canello (University of Groningen, The Netherlands).
This award is open to individual applicants in their early career (five years maximum between the date showing on their PhD certificate and the application deadline). Applicants must be based within an eligible higher education institution and must be a current, early career member of the RSA and throughout the duration of the grant (please note that applicants may apply for membership at the same time as applying for the grant).
The RSA Early Career Research Grant (EC) is provided to support a discrete piece of regional studies and/or regional science research.
The value of the grant is up to £10,000 (c. $13,300; c. €11,800). The grant has a maximum time span of 18 months and reporting conditions apply. The full Terms and Conditions governing the grant are available in the EC Handbook. Instructions and link for applications can be found at the bottom of this page.
Please click here for the updated prioritised research themes.
Application Deadline (Expression of Interest): 12th May 2025, 23:59 BST
A two stage application process is used for the RSA Research Grant Schemes. In the first round, applicants are asked to submit an expression of interest. Shortlisted applicants from this first round will then be asked to submit a full proposal.
- If you want to apply for the Early Career Grant, please complete the online application process. To access this, please login to RSA Lounge, and click on Community, Grants. If your membership status is eligible, you will see the link to apply for an Early Career Grant.
If you have any questions or need any help with the submission form, please send us an email to
To see about our grant holder research projects and to watch their videos explaining their research, please click on the Previous and Current Grant Holders grant holder names on the lower left of this page.
Anne Marie Jeannet, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Milan, gives advice to those considering applying for grant funding.
Jacopo Canello is the 2019 EC grant holder. In the video below, he shares his top tips for grant applications.
2019 EC Grant winner Maria Tsouri shares her tips below:
RSA Early Career Grant holder Davide Luca shares his top tips for applying for grants:
RSA Early Career Grant holder I-Chun Catherine Chang shares her top tips for grant applications:
RSA Early Career Grant holder Iris Wanzenböck shares her top tips for grant applications below: