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Application Deadline (Expression of Interest): 12th May 2025, 23:59 BST
The MeRSA Grant operates a two stage application and assessment process. In the first round, applicants are asked to submit an expression of interest. Shortlisted applicants from this first round will then be asked to submit a full proposal as part of the final selection round.
- If you want to apply for a MeRSA, please complete the online application process. To access this, please login to RSA Lounge, and click on Community, Grants. If your membership status is eligible, you will see the link to apply for a MeRSA Grant.
If you have any questions or need any help with the submission form, please send us an email to
To see about our grant holder research projects and to watch their videos explaining their research, please click on the Previous and Current Grant Holders grant holder names on the lower left of this page.
For information about a current MeRSA research project by Simón Sánchez-Moral, please visit his project page Disentangling COVID-19 as a driving force of path development processes in Spain
In the video below, Sabine Dörry, RSA Ambassador to Luxembourg and previous MeRSA grant holder shares her top tips for writing grant applications.
In the video below, Xabier Gainza, one of our 2017 MeRSA Grant Holders gives his tips for grant applications:
Andrea Morrison, a MeRSA Grant holder, shares his tips for a successful grant application in the recording below: