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An RSA membership gives you access to publications, funding opportunities, discounts and much more – you can find a summary here.

Find out more about the benefits of membership for you by clicking on the relevant career stage below.

Join the RSA community today!

Our memberships are divided by career stage  and country bands. Please select your career stage below to find out about the RSA benefits. Country bands can be found at the bottom of each page.

Image - Individual


If you are interested in regional studies and regional sciences and you are not a full-time student, early career researcher (within 5 years of the date on PhD certificate or equivalent) or a corporate representative, you can join as an Individual member.

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Image - Early Career

Early Career

If you have received your PhD* certificate and wish to develop your careers, networks and research through our EC opportunities, including funding, mentored publication routes and EC plenary speaker roles.

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Image - Student


The Association welcomes PhD students as members, offering a platform for presenting your work to an international audience and opportunities to network with senior researchers and experts.

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Image - Corporate


Corporate membership is for organisations which are actively involved in regional development, research and policies. It is for managing authorities, university departments, institutes, think tanks, consultancies and the like.

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Image - Retired / Emeritus

Retired / Emeritus

Retired/Emeritus membership is for members who have retired from full-time work but still want to keep abreast of regional research.

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