The EU Cohesion Policy (CP) is one of the most prominent and hotly debated of EU policies since decades, while being a fundamental reference for urban and regional policy even beyond the EU. This policy aims to support all the European regions and cities through a unique multi-level governance system and the use of a constantly evolving set of instruments to tackle emerging regional and urban challenges, making the CP a unique test bed for new approaches and ideas.
The CP is also highly debated by both academics and policy-makers, making this a perfect topic for the Regional Studies Association. In fact, the CP has been credited for generating a ‘European added value’ providing concrete support all over the EU through public-private partnerships, multi-annual programming and place-based approach, as well as promoting cross-border cooperation, supporting administrative capacity, mainstreaming policy evaluation and proposing new policy practices such as the smart specialisation strategy (S3) and the ‘new financial instruments’. On the other hand, strong criticism and important reductions in the budget (about -8% from 2007-2013 to 2014-2020, and about -7% from 2014-2020 to 2021-2028) have characterised the recent debate on the CP, making observers arguing that the CP is ‘just a leftover’ from the past because of lacking tangible results. In this framework briefly sketched, academics can contribute by improving knowledge about the CP, though this require a new approach to promote a research-policy dialogue.
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The Regional Studies Association (RSA) Research Network on EU Cohesion Policy (CPnet) aims to provide a forum for debating EU cohesion policy, its effectiveness, impacts, paradoxes and its future. Our network has been active since 2011 within the RSA and has successfully organised ten workshops and special sessions at many previous RSA conferences (Izmir 2014, Piacenza 2015, Graz 2016, Dublin 2017 and Lugano 2018). The CPnet research network has succeeded in animating the policy debate with two policy-oriented workshops in Brussels discussing research-based papers with high level EU policy-makers (MEPs, Commissioner’s cabinet, EU Commission staff, Committee of the Regions and other high-level EU policymakers) as well as contributing to the academic debate with three edited volumes and one special issue on Regional Studies based on the outcomes of the RSA-funded workshops
- Eduardo Medeiros (ed.) 2017. “Uncovering the territorial dimension of European Union Cohesion Policy”. More information:;
- Nicola Francesco Dotti (ed.), 2016. “Learning from Implementation and Evaluation of the EU Cohesion Policy: Lessons from a Research-Policy Dialogue”. More information:
- Marcin Dąbrowski, Ida Musiałkowska and Laura Polverari (2018). “Drawing lessons from international policy transfer initiatives in regional and urban development and spatial planning”, special issue in Regional Studies. More information
- Ida Musiałkowska and Piotr Idczak (ed.), book on Southern, Central and Eastern Member States, forthcoming in 2019.
Based on these successful experiences, the goal of the CPNet is to promote the emergence of new research on Cohesion Policy in terms of ideas, approaches and methods that can contribute to renovate the scientific debate on CP. For this purpose, a specific focus is devoted to the involvement of new researchers, especially early career researchers that could ‘refresh’ the debate on the CP. To achieve this goal, the CPNet proposes a new way of working. First, five themes are proposed by a mix of well-established scholars and young researchers to combine experiences and new ideas. Second, each workshop will be organised by a different team involving young researchers since the preparation of the call for paper as well as the follow-up of the scientific outcomes. Third, the coordinators of the CPNet will guarantee the overall coordination of the different workshops and activities. Finally, each workshop will be supported by a specific strategy of online dissemination via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to maximise the visibility of research outcomes (see below sections VII and VIII for more information).
Our ambition is to build on our previous experiences of open discussions between academic research and policy experts, while developing innovative research-based ideas to refresh the debate on CP. In order to increase our organisational capacity and reach wider audiences, we will expand the Network by working closely with a range of tried and tested collaborators as well as new young scholars that will be directly involved in the organisation of the workshops, while some of them have already proactively contributed to the preparation of the present proposal.
Past Events
Sustainable Transitions – balance and future challenges in EU Cohesion Policy context
9th December 2024 – online event
Centre of Geographical Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon
The European Cohesion Policy aims to strengthen the EU’s economic, social, and territorial cohesion by reducing disparities between regions and promoting sustainable development. This policy is crucial in fostering balanced growth and ensuring that all regions, regardless of their development levels, can contribute to and benefit from the overall prosperity of the EU. In the 2021-2027 framework, the Cohesion Policy Joint Action Plan has outlined crucial actions to address contemporary challenges and opportunities, some following the extremely important Twin Transition. These actions are designed to create a more competitive and smarter Europe by leveraging innovation and digital transformation, transitioning towards a greener, low-carbon economy that prioritizes environmental sustainability, enhancing connectivity and mobility to improve regional integration and accessibility, fostering a more social and inclusive Europe that tackles inequalities and promotes social justice, and bringing Europe closer to its citizens through sustainable and integrated territorial development. By focusing on these pillars, the Cohesion Policy aims to create synergies between economic, social, and environmental goals, recognizing that true sustainability can only be achieved when all regions advance together, emphasizing the essential role of cohesion in ensuring that the benefits of sustainability are shared equitably across all regions and does not enhance regional disparities. Furthermore, Cohesion Policy is key to preventing the digital and green transition from further reinforcing the divergent growth potential of EU regions.
This research workshop will examine the Cohesion Policy and Twin Transition focusing on their connections and potentialities, providing new thinking on the potential of Cohesion Policy for a digital and sustainable future.
Sustainable Transitions – balance and future challenges in EU context workshop will be held online as an online-only event.
This workshop is prepared under the auspices of the Regional Studies Association’s Research Network on EU Cohesion Policy, co-organised with the Network`s partners and hosted by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon. More information about the Network can be found on the RSA website and on Facebook.
Main Organisers for this workshop are Eduarda Marques da Costa and Pedro Franco (Institute of Geography and Spatial Planing, University of Lisbon, IGOT-ULisboa), as local organisers, and Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Ida Musialkowska (Poznan University of Economics and Business) as academic convenors.
Opportunities and challenges of future Cohesion Policy
Wednesday 9th October 2024, 09:30 – 10:30 CEST
Closing workshop of #CPnet
2024 EURegionsWeek side event (Brussels)
Online event: Past & futures of Sustainable Development, Environment and Green economy in EU Cohesion policies
6th September 2024, 14:00-15:45 CEST (13:00-14:45 BST)
Book Launch “EU Cohesion Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach”
February 2024
The Regional Studies Association Research Network on Cohesion Policy #CPnet and the Wielkopolska Region Office in Brussels ran public event aimed at promoting recently published volume by Edward Elgar Publishing entitled “EU Cohesion Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach” discussing the state-of-the-art of Cohesion Policy and its future.
Digitalizing Regions and Cities As A Driver For Post-Industrial Transition
November 2023
Free Online Workshop.
This workshop was co-organised with the Network`s partners and hosted by the EM Normandie Business School. More information can be found here.
Cohesion Policy in the Age of Permacrisis
June 2023
Closed special session of the 2023 RSA Annual Conference, Ljubljana
The Session aimed to reflect on the changing nature and implementation challenges of cohesion policy in the age of permacrisis.
- Monitoring and evaluating the impact of the NRRP to support strategic programming. Methodology and results of an analysis for Tuscany
Giuseppe Francesco Gori, IRPET – Istituto Regionale Programmazione Economica Toscana, Italy - Implementation of Cohesion Policy and RRP in Poland after 2020 – mission impossible?
Ida Musiałkowska, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland - EU Cohesion Policy and RRP Implementation in Italy – Synergies or Displacement?
Laura Polverari, Università di Padova, Italy
- Chair/Discussant: Ugo Fratesi, Polimi, Italy
The urban dimensions of EU Cohesion Policy
May 2021
Speakers: Rob Atkinson, University of the West of England, UK
Dorthe Nielsen, Eurocities