Ignazio Cabras is Professor of Regional Economic Development and Head of the Accounting and Financial Management Department at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. His research interests are focused on economics and environment, with particular emphasis on regional growth and networks, public sector management, employment issues, urban-rural dynamics, sustainability, community cohesion and social capital, the beer and brewing industry, knowledge economies and ICT. Professor Cabras is the author of several works comprising journal articles, books and book chapters, and research reports. He peer-reviews articles for British and international scientific journals on regular basis, and seats in the Editorial Advisory Board of several academic journals. Professor Cabras is Vice-President of the Beeronomics Society.
Past Events
New Directions for Devolution and Regional Policy?
May 15, 2024
Insights North East and Newcastle University’s Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies met for a panel discussion to discuss devolution and regional development policies for England in the context of the General Election and a possible change of government. While ‘levelling up’ has lost momentum, the challenge of tackling England’s entrenched regional inequalities remains acute. Devolution has become a key policy over the past decade, yet questions remain about its purpose, form and geographical extension. The panellists will identify and discuss key challenges and priorities for an incoming Labour Government.
Confirmed speakers included:
- Professor Neil Lee, LSE
- Zoe Billingham, IPPR North
- Luke Raikes, Fabian Society
- Joyce Liddle, Northumbria University
Place Leadership in Europe: Research Seminar Series 2023-2025
Inaugural seminar – Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 10th – 12th May 2023
In conjunction with the University of Birmingham, the Chairs of the RSA North East, RSA North West and RSA Yorkshire and Humberside Branches hosted the first RSA Pan-Northern Branches Conference and the first seminar in a series of seminars to debate Place Leadership in Europe.
The conference was designed to enable participants to examine the experiences of Combined authorities across England, together with international and European comparisons in order to translate the lesson learning between the different jurisdictions to the circumstances of the North of England. The aim was to provide a platform for the free thinking exchange of ideas, to address and discuss research and policy issues affecting the North of England in light of European and global trends and in view of national and regional contexts. The scope was to look ahead to 2030 and the next decade for urban and regional development across public, private, voluntary and non-profit sector in the regions.
Speakers and topics included:
- Professor David Bailey from the University of Birmingham addressed the meeting on the future of the European and international car industry and looked at the linkages between the North East and the West Midlands and the need for a better economic strategy for the sector in United Kingdom.
- Professor Andy Long, Vice-Chancellor of Northumbria University, spoke on the regional role of Northumbria up to 2030 and its strategic importance and alliances with the other five Universities in the North East.
- The leaders of the seven North East local authorities were invited and speakers in a stimulating debate included the leaders of Durham County Council, Cllr Amanda Hopgood, and Northumberland County Council, Cllr Glen Sanderson, as well as representatives from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP)- including Chief Executive Lucy Winskell OBE, representing the private sector.
- Sally Hardy, the Chief Executive of the Regional Studies Association, spoke about the academic association’s networks and ambitious plans across Europe and internationally
- Delegates heard about the work of Insights North East, a project led by Newcastle University and delivered via a core partnership with the NHS, North of Tyne Combined Authority, Newcastle City Council and Northumbria University along with plans for Health, Net Zero and Inclusive Growth over the next three years.
- A paper from Professor Robin Hambleton, Emeritus Professor of City Leadership at the University of the West of England, Bristol, will draw out the international lessons for city leaders in policy- making.
- Professors Joyce Liddle, John Shutt and Ignazio Cabras from Northumbria’s Newcastle Business School chaired the conference and stressed the need for the North East to take a fresh look at the regional economy and its key priorities, new governance arrangements and how to develop research and policy capacity.
Academic papers presented at the conference will be included in a special edition of Regional Studies on Place Leadership in Europe and beyond
The event was free for RSA members to attend, thanks to the generous funding of the RSA and Northumbria University.
Please click here and see below for the full program.
Levelling-up and Inclusive Growth
Wednesday 11th May 2022
Newcastle Business School; Northumbria University Newcastle
The Levelling Up and Inclusive Growth event at Northumbria University in May 2022, was a great success. The event, organised by RSA North East branch, in collaboration with the iNCITE research centre at Northumbria, attracted more than 50 participants to discuss and debate regarding recent economic policies and initiatives aimed at re-balancing economic growth and social inequalities in the UK. Very interesting contributions were offered by David Goodhart, author and Head of Policy Exchange’s Demography, Immigration and Integration Unit, and Andy Pike, Professor of Regional Development at Newcastle University, who led the discussion and stimulated a vibrant exchange with the audience. Ignazio Cabras, RSA Chair for the North East, chaired the event in collaboration with Northumbria colleagues Joyce Liddle, Professor of Public Leadership and Enterprise, and David Charles, Professor of Enterprise and Innovation and Head of iNCITE.
Please note: The North East Branch is a limited agent for the Regional Studies Association but without any authority to incur financial liability for that Association.