2024 RSA Annual Conference Spotlight Sessions
For all information on the Spotlight Sessions for the RSA 2025 Annual Conference, please see below or in the main program. To return to the main conference website click here.
Professional Development Session – Meet the RSA Journal Editors
Come along to hear about key journals in the field of regional studies and regional science and the requirements to publish in these journals. Editors will introduce their journal, its scope, aspects to consider when choosing a journal and give advice on how to write papers for successful publication. There will be time for questions and an opportunity to discuss your paper with editors of each journal.
Everybody welcome!
The Future of Regional Policy
More information to follow.
Why are the Nordic Countries Choosing Different Routes in Regional Policy and Governance?
Anna Lundgren, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
A Century of Regional Policy in Europe: Charting the Changing Paradigms
John Bachtler, Director, European Policies Research Centre
Regional Policy in Central and Eastern European Countries: Looking Beyond EU Structural Funds
Maciej Pietrzykowski, Senior Lecturer, Poznań University of Economics and Business
Equity, Efficiency and Effectiveness, where are the Trade-offs of Regional Policy in Europe?
Ugo Fratesi, Professor of Regional Economics and Policy, Politecnico di Milano
Chair: tbc
Regional Studies – Present Priorities, Future Directions and Policy Relevance
More information to follow.
Ron Boschma, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Dieter Kogler, University College Dublin, Ireland
Grete Gansauer, Montana State University, USA
André Torre, University Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParistech, France
Maria Savona, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK
Elvira Uyarra, University of Manchester, UK
FinGeo Annual Lecture
We propose this session as an annual FinGeo-RSA lecture, celebrating the collaboration between the Global Network on Financial Geography and Regional Studies Association, including the co-sponsored journal Finance and Space (https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rfas20).
The Limits to State Capital: On the Hubris of State Intervention in the Age of Trump
Adam Dixon, Adam Smith Chair in Sustainable Capitalism, Panmure House, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Franziska Sohns, Anglia Ruskin University, UK
JRC.TEDAM Session – Can Europe Bridge the Innovation Gap while Ensuring Territorial Equity?
Policy Debate Session:
The Draghi report offers an in-depth analysis of the EU’s innovation gap with the US and China, proposing a novel framework with strengthened industrial policies to address this challenge. However, the EU innovation’s landscape is characterized by significant territorial disparities, meaning that any effort to close these gaps will have substantial spatial implications. This session aims to explore this issue by examining, in particular, the interplay between industrial and territorial policies and the role of Research and Innovation (R&I) instruments and policies. The EU plays a crucial role in supporting innovation, mainly through the Commission’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and, more recently, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Nevertheless, the spatial distribution of these efforts remains highly uneven, reflecting varying allocation criteria and the disparate innovation capacities of recipient regions (Molica and Santos, 2024).
At a time when Europe faces an urgent need to strengthen its innovation capacity to stay competitive globally and achieve policy objectives such as the twin green and digital transitions, critical questions emerge regarding the new scope and objectives of EU R&I instruments.
For example: Do EU funds effectively contribute to narrowing Europe’s innovation gap, and to what extent? Can territorial equity and economic efficiency be successfully reconciled within EU R&I investments? How do local factors influence the allocation and impact of EU R&I funds (Dotti and Spithoven, 2018)? Are existing policy frameworks (e.g., Smart Specialization Strategies) effective in directing R&I efforts towards the right objectives (D’Adda et al., 2022)?
These questions are particularly relevant as discussions on the future of the EU’s long-term budget are in full swing. With this in mind, the session aims to facilitate an exchange of views between academics and policy makers.
- Manuel Heitor, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
- Joana Almodovar, Portuguese Ministry of Economy – Office for Strategy and Studies
- Francesco Molica, European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA)
- Andrea Conte, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
- Anabela Santos, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Professional Development Session – Careers Outside Academia
While many researchers pursue careers in higher education, there are numerous opportunities to apply your expertise beyond academia. This session brings together representatives from organisations that conduct regional research and offer career paths for researchers and scientists outside the university setting.
Join us for an interactive discussion where you’ll learn about these organisations, explore diverse career opportunities, and gain insights from professionals working in the field. There will be dedicated time for questions.
Everyone is welcome!