In an astonishingly speedy time Area Development and Policy has been accepted into the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). ADP prides itself on publishing original academic research examining the multi-scalar and geographically differentiated relationships between economic and political organization, ways of life and work and their context, as they shape regions, cities, rural areas and their inter-relationships. Geographically, it concentrates on issues relating to the Greater BRICS, recognising that economic, political, cultural and geographical context play a fundamental role in shaping development. Research published in ADP therefore examines the role of diverse national and regional institutional configurations and values, and subsequent theories are derived from the experiences of these countries and regions – these are not necessarily from theories derived from the possibly exceptional experiences of Northwest Europe and North America.
It is very rare to hear of an acceptance for the ESCI so early in a journal’s publication lifetime in the Social Sciences – just two years after first publication, reflecting the high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance emerging from ADP. ADP will be indexed from 3(1) 2018 and will provide greater discoverability for ADP which will lead to more measurable citations.
We would like to thank all our editors of ADP for this truly tremendous achievement.