Area Development and Policy, Volume 2, Issue 3, November 2017 is now available online on Taylor & Francis Online. This new issue contains the following articles:
Research Article
Financial intermediation, infrastructure investment and regional growth by Gordon L. Clark
Beyond Europe: Commentary on Gordon Clark’s perspective on financial intermediation by Eric Sheppard
Making sense of the uneven geography of urban and regional growth in the era of financialization: financial intermediation, institutions and markets by George C. S. Lin
Original Articles
A green development model: transnational model-making in China’s small hydropower training programmes by Tyler Harlan
Integrating rapid assessment of flood proneness into urban planning under data constraints: a fuzzy logic and bricolage approach by Ronita Bardhan
Unpacking the heterogeneity of poor neighbourhoods and neighbouring in large Chinese cities by Yuting Liu & Shenjing He
Variegated geographies of electronic waste: policy mobility, heterogeneity and neoliberalism by Carlo Inverardi-Ferri
Russian regional evolutions: comparative gross regional product dynamics of the subjects of the Russian Federation, 1995–2013 by Irina Gerasimova & Michael Dunford