Thomas Skuzinski of Virginia Tech recieved an RSA 2017 Early Career Grant award for his research to develop local autonomy indices that can promote more rigorous exploration of the connections between autonomy and regional outcomes, such as transportation equity, disaster resilience, infrastructure quality, and affordable housing geography. He is also interested in the nexus of land use, infrastructure, and economic development policies in Rust Belt and Appalachia.
The RSA Early Career Grant is provided to support a discrete piece of regional studies and/or regional science research and is open to single applicants in their early career (five years maximum between the date showing on the certificate and the application deadline). Applicants must be based within an eligible higher education institution (HEI) and a current, early career member of the Regional Studies Association. All applicants are required to set out their dissemination plans, not only through academic networks but also to communities of policy and practice.
Forthcoming application deadline is 31st May 2018.