We are happy to share some exciting news with the RSA community. Dr. Anne-Marie T. Jeannet – RSA member and Research Fellow at the Dondena Center for Social Dynamics and Public Policy, Bocconi University, has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant. We are very proud to say that Anne-Marie used her RSA Early Career grant for her pilot project towards her ERC application.
The aim of her project is to reveal how a person’s individual, family and local community experience of manufacturing decline transforms the way they participate in politics and their political attitudes over the course of their life. DESPO will focus on the long-term consequences over a rich time frame, studying over five decades of manufacturing decline and its political aftermath (1965-2015). It will examine the effects on an exhaustive series of political attitudes and behaviours including: if and how people vote; what people believe and think about their political system; how strongly people identify with political parties.
The project will use large-scale administrative data to construct multi-dimensional measures of deindustrialization for small geographic units in a unique database that will be linked with individual and household longitudinal data. The project will last from 2020-2025 with a budget of 1.1 million Euros.