The Academy of Social Sciences has conferred the award of Fellow on a number of leading social scientists. The new Fellows are drawn from across the spectrum of academia, practitioners and policymakers. They have been recognised after an extensive process of peer review for the excellence and impact of their work through the use of social science for public benefit.
We would like to warmly congratulate the RSA nominees Professor Clelio Campolina Diniz FAcSS Emeritus Professor in Economics Federal University of Minas Gerais; Dr Joaquim Oliveira Martins FAcSS Head of Division, Regional Development Policy OECD; and Dr David Webster FAcSS Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Urban Studies University of Glasgow on their appointment as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. We hope that in their work as a Fellow they will represent the regional development, research and policy fields.
Further information is available at
Professor Clelio Campolina Diniz, Emeritus Professor in Economics Federal University of Minas Gerais and Vice-President of the RSA
“Many thanks for the very good and rousing news. I am highly grateful to the RSA`s indication and support. I will do my best to honor the British Academy of Social Science and to represent the Regional Studies Association and the field.”
Dr David Webster FAcSS Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Urban Studies, University of Glasgow
'Warm thanks to the RSA for my nomination to the Academy. The spatial dimension is often overlooked, even among social scientists, and I will certainly be doing my best to bring RSA's concerns to the fore'.