We are pleased to announce that as part of the Regional Studies Association‘s 50th anniversary new funding schemes and increased funding for Research Networks have been agreed. By offering these, the Association is seeking to raise the profile of regional research and its contribution if appropriate, to policy and practice. Research awards will be judged on the basis of the excellence of the research proposal and the ability of the applicant to communicate the results of the research broadly.
Please note that these schemes are open to RSA members only. However, non-members are encouraged to apply and join the RSA at the same time (not applicable for the Fellowship Research Grant).
For more details on the RSA’s Funding Schemes, please see below.
Early Career Grant Scheme
This award is open to single applicants in their early career (five years maximum between the date showing on the PhD certificate and the application deadline). Applicants must be based within an eligible higher education institution (HEI) and must be a current, early career member of the RSA and throughout the duration of the grant (please note that applicants may join the RSA as members at the same time as applying for the grant).
Value: up to £10,000 (or its equivalent in US$ or € depending upon the exchange rate at the time of the award).
Timeframe: Maximum time span of 18 months and reporting conditions apply
Application process: From 2015 a two stage application process applies.
Application deadline (first selection round): 31st May 2016, 3pm (GMT)
Webpage: www.regionalstudies.org/funding/page/early-career-grant-scheme
Membership Research Grant
This is a new research grant scheme introduced in 2015. The grant is intended primarily to provide opportunities for mid-career scholars who have already published in the field of regional studies and or science and who are current Individual members of the RSA.
Value: up to £5,000 (or its equivalent in US$ or € depending upon the exchange rate at the time of the award).
Timeframe: Maximum time span of 18 months and reporting conditions apply
Application process: A two stage application process applies
Application deadline (first selection round): 30th October 2015
Webpage: www.regionalstudies.org/funding/page/rsa-MeRSA-Grant
Fellowship Research Grant
This award is open to Fellows of the RSA only. RSA Fellows are individual members who have been continuous members, for a minimum of 5 years and who have also been defined as “active members”. This means that they have contributed to the life of the Association through serving on the Board or committees, have spoken at conferences, have applied for grants and other forms of funding etc. Please email the membership team at membership@regionalstudies.org to check your eligibility for this category of membership.
Value: up to £7,500 (or its equivalent in US$ or € depending upon the exchange rate at the time of the award).
Timeframe: Maximum time span of 18 months and reporting conditions apply
Application process: A two stage application process applies
Application deadline (first selection round): 30th October 2015
Webpage: www.regionalstudies.org/funding/page/rsa-fellowship-research-grant-scheme
2015-2016 Research Networks Funding Scheme
In 2015, the Association introduced an increased Research Networks’ funding scheme which is part of the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Association and available in 2015 and 2016 only. RSA Research Networks are formed by RSA members interested in meeting to examine an issue that responds to the aims and goals of the Association and is of interest and concern to members of the Association as well as non-members. The issue needs not necessarily to have a direct policy focus but the examination would normally lead to policy related conclusions.
Value: up to £10,000 (or its equivalent in US$ or € depending upon the exchange rate at the time of the award).
Timeframe: minimum of 3 years and reporting conditions apply
Application deadline: 31st July 2016, 4pm (GMT)
Webpage: www.regionalstudies.org/research
In addition to these Research Funding Schemes, the RSA also offers Travel Grants:
Travel Grant
The RSA offers its members up to £500 towards travel and accommodation costs when attending a non -RSA event. Recipients of the Travel Grant must be a member of the Association at the time of the application and at the time of travel and claim. Non-members are encouraged to apply and join at the same time.
Value: up to £500 (or its equivalent in US$ or € depending upon the exchange rate at the time of the award).
Application deadlines in 2016: 28th February, 29th May; 28th August, Friday 27th November
Webpage: www.regionalstudies.org/funding/page/rsa-travel-grant