Response to the Independent Review of the Role of Metrics in Research Assessment: Call for Evidence by the Higher and Further Education Funding Council for England (hefce)
The RSA notes that the UK has gained considerable experience in the evaluation of the quality of research through the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and it successor, Research Excellence Framework (REF)
processes over recent years. In the present round of evaluation (REF 2014) universities were required to submit three types of evidence:
1) research environment statements;
2) evidence of impact, through impact statements and case studies and
3) research outputs.
This approach relies on mixed methods and a range of evidence for the purpose of evaluation. Whilst there are inevitable debates about the REF process, it is acknowledged that as a system of evaluation, it is widely respected internationally. In moving forward from REF 2014, careful consideration should be given to both the existing strengths of the present system, as well as reflecting on potential areas for improvements. Lessons might also be learnt from other international approaches towards research assessment, including experience with the application of other methods including metrics.
You can download the the full statement here.