The new RSA Gold Open Access journal Regional Studies Regional Science is going from strength to strength with currently 26 papers online, some of which have received over 2,000 views.
Did you know that our publisher Taylor and Francis has partnership and prepayment agreements for Open Access publishing with a number of UK HEI? This means that if you are based at one of these HEI you could receive a discount or waiver of the article publishing charge (APC) if you publish in a Gold Open Access journals such as Regional Studies, Regional Science.
For more information and to see if your institution is eligible, please go to
In addition, RSA members benefit from a reduced APC as detailed in the table below:
Length of paper |
RSA member APC |
Non-member APC |
short article (≤3,000 words) |
$198 USD/£124 GBP/€165 EUR |
$325 USD/£203 GBP/€271 EUR |
long article (>3,000 words) |
$395USD/£247 GBP/€329 EUR |
$650 USD/£406 GBP/€542 EUR |
For more information on the APC, please go to
Please don’t hesitate to contact the RSA if you require more information on this.