This news item might be of interest to the RSA Community. We wish to clarify that this network is not funded by the RSA.
Sustainable Regions Applied Research Network
A new network has recently been established to enable knowledge exchange among researchers working on practical development issues in rural regions of Australia, Chile, and Argentina. The Sustainable Regions Applied Research Network (SRARN) is funded through the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The Network brings together groups and networks of regional researchers across Australia and the Southern Cone, to increase cross-national understanding of common challenges and opportunities for sustainable regional development. It aims to stimulate knowledge partnering across regions to generate a next generation of innovative solutions.
The leader of the project in Australia is Robyn Eversole, Director of the Institute for Regional Development at the University of Tasmania and the current President of the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International (ANZRSAI).
Researchers and research groups interested in learning more about the Sustainable Regions Applied Research Network can contact Robyn directly ( or visit the Network’s new Facebook page: