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Most read articles of 2024
Regional Studies
Regional varieties of ‘left-behindness’ in the EU15 by Sanne Velthuis et al. (Open Access)
An evolutionary approach to regional studies on global value chains by Ron Boschma. (Open Access)
China’s digital and green (twin) transition: insights from national and regional innovation policies by Chris Brueck et al. (Open Access)
Find the link to the full list for Regional Studies here.
Spatial Economic Analysis
Raising the bar in spatial economic analysis: two laws of spatial economic modelling by J. Paul Elhorst. (Open Access)
Spatial macroeconomics by Steven Bond-Smith et al. (Free Access)
Spatial spillover effects in the labour market in a middle-income country by Leonardo-Fabio Morales et al. (Open Access)
Find the link to the whole list for Spatial Economic Analysis here.
Territory Politics Governance
Collaborative governance arrangements: what makes nature-based solutions endure? by Luca Battist et al. (Open Access)
Places that matter and places that don’t: territorial revenge and counter-revenge in Poland by Czesław Adamiak et al. (Open Access)
Volumetric, embodied and geologic geopolitics of the seabed: offshore tin mining in Indonesia by Merdeka Agus Saputra & Katherine G. Sammler. (Open Access)
Find the link to the whole list for Territory Politics Governance here.
Regional Studies, Regional Science
Untangling regional development traps through narratives by Max Roessler. (Open Access)
Political leaders as agents in regional development by Giuseppe Calignano & Trond Nilsen. (Open Access)
What makes neighbourhood-level commercial centres attractive for neighbourhood residents? by Archiman Biswas & Subrata Chattopadhyay. (Open Access)
Find the link to the whole list for Regional Studies, Regional Science here.
Area Development and Policy
China’s interdependent positioning in the semiconductor global value chain by Seamus Grimes & Debin Du. (Open Access)
FDI and industrial development in a mega-city region: a modelling study on the Pearl River Delta by Yuyuan Wen et al. (Open Access)
A tale of no cities? The neglect of cities in South Africa’s post-apartheid national economic policies by Glen Robbins. (Open Access)
Find the link to the whole list for Area Development and Policy here.
Finance and Space
Quo vadis neoliberalism in an age of resurgent state capitalism? by Ilias Alami et al. (Open Access)
The global urban elite: the sources of wealth and residential networks of the super-rich in 10 cities by Rowland Atkinson et al. (Open Access)
Finance in the age of geoeconomics: intersections of finance, production, and digital technology by David Bassens et al. (Free Access)
Find the link to the whole list for Finance and Space here.