We are pleased to announce our updated prioritised research themes.
The RSA research portfolio raises the profile of regional research. It champions regional studies and science in all its forms, providing state-of-the-art scientific knowledge and delivering a public and policy facing narrative which demonstrates value in improving the day to day lives of citizens’ globally. The RSA welcomes research from any discipline contributing to advancing our understandings of regions and regional development. We adopt an open and plural definition of regions, focusing on dynamics of regional (subnational) change whether this is in global megaregions or more remote, peripheral locations. Key characteristics of research in the RSA portfolio is research that has impact, asks critical questions about data and methods, and pushes the scientific frontiers of theoretical and conceptual development.
RSA’s research portfolio includes but is not restricted to the following themes:
- Global geopolitics, infrastructure and security
- Crises, external shocks and resilience
- North-south relations and southern urbanism
- Varieties of capitalism and the role of the state
- Informal economies, urbanisation and development
- Digitalisation, AI, Industry 4.0
- Global production networks, value/supply chains and trade
- Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation
- Agglomeration, industrial districts, clusters and networks
- Finance, knowledge and skills
- Territorial politics, policy and governance
- Regionalism, identity politics and citizenship
- Governance, planning and place leadership
- Planning, design and the built environment
- Settlements, land and housing
- Climate change adaptation, energy and sustainable transitions
- Food, water and poverty
- Inequalities, cohesion and spatial justice
- Demography, migration and work
- Health, well-being and creativity