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Webinar “Nothing new under the sun” How the past informs today’s policy responses: Crisis and (missed) opportunities Speakers

Event News
Event News Plenary Europe United Kingdom

Webinar “Nothing new under the sun” How the past informs today’s policy responses: Crisis and (missed) opportunities Speakers

We are pleased to announce the second in our plenary webinar series that should have taken place at our face to face events.

Nothing new under the sun” How the past informs today’s policy responses: Crisis and (missed) opportunities

Presentations and discussions in this webinar will analyse how history has shaped arguments in regional development and policy, the context for debate and provides reflections on what might be useful avenues for research looking forward.

Open to all and free to attend, this Zoom webinar can be watched live but will also be recorded and made available on demand. The live webinar will offer opportunities for discussion, questions and comments.


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