We are delighted to welcome Yi Liu as the new Editor-in-Chief of Regional Studies, Regional Science.
Dr. Yi Liu is an associate professor and assistant dean of the School of Tourism Management at Sun Yat-sen University. He currently serves as the Chief Secretary of the Commission on Tourism Geography of the Geographical Society of China, and the Chief Secretary of the Tourism Poverty Alleviation Alliance of the Ministry of Education of China. He is also the co-editor-in-chief for the Journal of Tourism Forum (in Chinese) and associate editor for the Journal of Humanities of Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature).
His research originates from economic geography with a particular focus on globalisation, industrial upgrading and regional outcomes. Situated in a business school, he has gradually extended his interests from manufacturing to daily economies, tackling tourism management, leisure business, consumer behaviour, marketing and sustainability from a geographical perspective. His current publications cover multiple disciplines including geography, development, economics, tourism studies, urban planning, management science, sociology, and public administration.
He also actively explores new methods and techniques by infusing multimodal data to capture various niches of human-place interactions. These works have been awarded the Second Prize for Outstanding Academic Achievement Award from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China in 2018 and 2022; the Excellent Geo-Computing Platform from 2019-2022 by the China Geographical Society. His works in tourism-led poverty alleviation have been awarded the Best Practices in Rural Revitalization in 2022 by World Tourism Alliance; and the Award of Global Best Poverty Reduction Practices in 2023 by the International Poverty Reduction Center of China and the World Bank.
Yi said:
I will devote my full efforts to make RSRS more friendly to young scholars, more vibrant to speak to other disciplines, and more relevant to the public.
Regional Studies, Regional Science
Regional Studies, Regional Science is an interdisciplinary open-access journal from the Regional Studies Association, first published in 2014. The journal’s focus is regional and urban issues in geography, economics, regional science, environmental studies, planning and governance. RSRS explores a wide range of topics from across the social sciences at a variety of spatial scales, which are generally subnational (such as metropolitan regions, planning regions, etc.) but can cross jurisdictional boundaries (such as cross-border regions and institutions). It does not typically publish contributions that focus exclusively on the global or national scales unless there are demonstrable implications for debates at sub-national regional scales.
The journal publishes a range of paper types including full length research articles, short papers and ‘regional graphics’. RSRS also has an Early Career Papers section offering a mentored route for early career academics. Further details and requirements for article types can be found in the Instructions for Authors.
All RSRS articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication following payment of an Article Publication Charge (APC).
The journal is indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Social Sciences Citation Index and Scopus. See the journal website here for more details. The journal metrics can be viewed here.