Registration Deadline: 28th September 2018
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. Over 170 working sessions, networking events and project visits will be organised in Brussels under the headline ‘For a strong EU Cohesion Policy beyond 2020’.
“#EURegionsWeek is a unique European forum that brings together some 5,000 policymakers from local, regional, urban and national government authorities – as well as academics – for an intensive week of knowledge exchange on regional and urban development. Conferences, seminars and workshops throughout Brussels will be debating development challenges and opportunities in areas like climate change, migration, energy transition, innovation, smart specialisation, digitalisation, governance and many other topics. Particularly through the RegionsWeek University, policymakers are keen to hear from academics about the latest research and how it could be relevant for current and future policy. The week provides a distinctive opportunity for academic researchers to disseminate findings to an international audience, get European-level exposure, create contacts and initiate new relationships for longer term knowledge exchange.” John Bachtler, Professor of European Policy Studies, Director of the European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde
“The #EURegionsWeek is the place for networking on urban and regional development between academics and policy makers/practitioners from the EU institutions and European regions. The many sessions, the informal meeting areas and the fact that everyone is there, makes it a must.” Sally Hardy, Chief Executive, Regional Studies Association
As in previous years, the RSA is again a key partner in the European Week of Regions and Cities and we are coordinating the #EURegionsWeek 2018 University sessions and the Master Class.
Revitalising Regional Economies through Smart Specialisation and Industry 4.0
Global linkages and territorial imbalances in Europe and beyond
European Year of Cultural Heritage: cultural heritage and the built environment
In addition, the RSA is also involved in the following session:
Migrants, asylum seekers, refugees and regional economic development
The University sessions are free to attend but as places are limited, we recommend signing up as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. To register for the RSA sessions, please select the filters ” ORGANISER – Regional Studies Association” and click on filter button, click on the session title, read the description and if you are interested, click on “Add session” button.
To sign up for these and other #EURegionsWeek 2018 sessions, please go to https://europa.eu/regions-and-cities/programme/sessions_en
2018 Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy
The Master Class is a unique format to connect aspiring researchers and will include presentations of papers by the participants as well as lectures and panel debates with policymakers, EU officials and senior academics to improve understanding of, and research, on EU Cohesion Policy. The Master Class is organised and led by the European Commission, DG for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Regional Studies Association (RSA) in cooperation with the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).