Kyoto University has striven to develop the Hakubi Project to foster and support early-career researchers since 2009.
With the aim of fostering individuals who will play active roles as world-class researchers and lead the next generation of academic research at Kyoto University, we are seeking researchers for the [Global Category] position as outlined below.
- Target Fields
All fields of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences are welcome. There include all academic research, from basic to applied.
- Eligibility
Researchers with a doctoral degree or equivalent
All nationalities are welcome
Those candidates selected as researchers in the Global category of the Hakubi Project will be affiliated with the Hakubi Center, but their research activity will be conducted at their respective departments; host departments within Kyoto University. In addition, the host teacher who provides guidance and is the mentor for you in the host department on matters that need to be addressed for the smooth implementation for your research, such as administrative procedures and securing a research location. Due to their role, host teachers must, in principle, be in an employment relationship with Kyoto University. Each applicant is encouraged to contact the host researcher of his or her choice at the same time of applicant to obtain their informal consent.
- Number of Positions
Approximately 20 researchers from all fields
- Terms and conditions of employment
-Those employed in this project will be awarded the title of ‘Kyoto University Hakubi Researcher’ from the date of employment as proof that Kyoto University recognizes them as outstanding researchers who will lead the next generation of scholars.
-As the employment period is 5 years, the term of appointment in the 16th call is from April 1, 2026 to March 31, 2031. This expected date of employment may be postponed in consideration of individual circumstances, however, the end of the term of appointment is until March 31, 2031 in any case.
-Annual research funding of approximately 1 to 4 million yen, depending on the research content.
[Partly omitted: for full text, please refer to the website:]
- Application Procedure and Deadline
Please be sure to read the Applicant Registration and Proposal Preparation Instructions posted in the website above.
Submit the required proposal through the specified registration site:
The deadline for application is on Friday, May 16, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. (Japan time).
- Online information session
There will be an online information session from 13:30 on Thursday, April 3, 2025, in *Japanese language*. To attend the session, please register by noon on Monday, March 31 from the website below.
Recorded video of the session will be uploaded to the official Youtube channel: