The issue of sustainability is not new, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) only reinforce its importance. It is equally apparent that addressing sustainability issues and mitigating the impacts of climate change are becoming particularly important in urban centres, as they are the concentration hubs of people, their communities, and businesses. However, the challenge lies in adapting to the new paradigm of sustainable entrepreneurship, where environmental and social sustainability become equally (if not more) important than the economic aspect of business. The potential to scale the business, achieve economic efficiency, and expand into new markets are no longer the only measures of success, although this change is occurring very slowly. On the other hand, in contexts not readily associated with entrepreneurship, such as urban and social activism for environmental issues or reducing social inequalities, the ability to think outside the box may allow more effective methods of action or influencing policies. These moments are where entrepreneurship and urbanity encounter intersect. In practice, this means that business models and ways of running companies or ventures need to be revised. Cities and their various actors play a crucial role in this revision, as urban transformation and sustainability goals should go together. “From Idea to Viable Urban Transformation: Entrepreneurial Case Studies Empowering the SDGs” is an anthology that presents case studies, each illuminating a unique entrepreneurial story aimed at tackling one of the SDGs and presented from the urban transformation perspective.
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