Applications are invited for funded PhDs in the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences at Brunel University. These funding awards are for commencement of study in October 2025 and are open equally to UK and international applicants
The funding is awarded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council through the Doctoral Training consortium Techne, which Brunel is a member of, see
Areas of special expertise relevant to this list include Media Studies, Human Geography and Cultural Studies:
- Media, culture and politics
- Social and political movements
- Race and media representation
- Cultural Industries and inequality
- Cultural production and creative processes
- Digital Cultures
- The media and cultural diplomacy
- The horror genre and society
- Social media & urban change
- Cities, inequalities and culture
- Bodies, affect and power
- Social Reproduction and Representation
- Mediated Feminism/s and Social Media Activism
- Class, Austerity and Media
- History of race and gender
- History of borders and borderlands
For further information about applying to Techne through Brunel see HERE.
Please note that the internal deadline for applications is December 17th 2021.
For any inquiries related to Techne PhD funding please contact: Professor