We are hiring for two posts in the new Social and Urban Policy subject group at the Division of Urban Studies and Social Policy, University of Glasgow:
1) Lecturer in Social and Public Policy (Grade 7/8)
2) Senior Lecturer/Professor in Social and Public Policy
Closing dates: 3rd March 2025
These are exciting new roles that will be key to the continuing growth and development of our new subject group. The successful candidates will play a research leadership role and engage in core teaching on our award-winning (SPA Outstanding Teaching Award, 2020) undergraduate Social and Public Policy / MSc in Public Policy and Management / MSc in Global Health programmes.
We particularly welcome applications from one or more of the following specialisms: welfare state, welfare systems and welfare conditionality in comparative perspective; inequalities and social justice (e.g. health, education, criminal justice, climate emergency, poverty); lived experience of marginalised communities; international social and public policy; and social and public policy in Global Majority contexts.
Both of these roles will be based in the new Social and Urban Policy subject group in the School of Social and Political Sciences. We hope you will consider applying and join the thriving dynamic group of social and public policy scholars at the University of Glasgow.
For informal enquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of the subject group co-leads. For the Lecturer role, please contact Prof Cindy Gray (cindy.gray@glasgow.ac.uk), and Senior Lecturer/Professor role, please contact Dr Mark Wong (mark.wong@glasgow.ac.uk).
Please also spread the word and share the adverts with anyone in your national/international networks who may be interested.