The University of Wisconsin-Madison is hiring for a 100% 2-year post-doc position in technological innovation and climate change to work as part of a team led by Professor Gregory Nemet.
The successful candidate will be located at the UW-Madison in the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment and will primarily work on the GENIE (Geoengineering and Negative Emissions in Europe project funded by the European Research Council under the prestigious Synergy Grant scheme. The GENIE project investigates the environmental, technical, social, legal, and policy dimensions of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and Solar Radiation Management (SRM) to provide an urgently needed interdisciplinary perspective on their development. Our meta-analytical framework integrates insights from these disciplines to provide a comprehensive view of CDR and SRM in the transition to climate neutrality in Europe and beyond. The project conducts world-class research to generate robust, scientific resources for evidence-based policy advice and global environmental assessments. The project is a collaboration between Prof.
Gregory Nemet (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), Prof. Jan C. Minx (MCC-Berlin, Germany), Prof. Benjamin Sovacool (Aarhus University, Denmark), and Prof. Keywan Riahi (International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA Austria). The position will involve active collaboration among the four teams in the research consortium and involves opportunities to participate in adjacent projects including
Major tasks of this post-doc position are to:
• Co-develop an evidence base of technological analogs to CDR and SRM to inform their scale up;
• Produce a series of analogous case studies, both as research outputs for publication and as an evidence base for other analysis in the GENIE project;
• Develop quantitative indicators that can be assessed for each case study and each CDR and SRM technology;
• Analysis of the implications of each case study and its quantitative indicators for the scale up of CDR and SRM technologies;
• Work with modeling teams to integrate insights from empirical analysis;
• Co-develop this method of using technological analogues as a generalizable methodology to inform technological innovation;
• Participate in project meetings and coordinate with other project partners;
• Contribute to project management, in particular working with and mentoring Masters and PhD students;
• Present results at international conferences;
• Publish scientific results in esteemed, peer-reviewed international journals.
Applicants should hold, or be about to complete, a PhD related to energy and the environment. Both qualitative and quantitative research skills are required for this position. An example of research emerging from the previous holder of this position is here. Location of work is Madison, Wisconsin USA.
To apply for this position, email a single PDF file to with the subject “Tech change post doc”. Include: 1) a 2-page cover letter, 2) CV, 3) 2-3 sample publications, and 4) the names of 3 references.
Priority deadline is 14 March 2025 and applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
Preferred start date is by June 2025.
The position is a Research Associate, for which the current salary is $64,000 (with cost-of-living increases and benefits eligible). The position will be appointed for one year with an extension for a second year assuming successful performance.
More details at: