Postdoctoral Research Associate, Boston University Initiative on Cities
The Boston University Initiative on Cities (IOC) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) position starting September 1, 2025. This is a two-year appointment. The IOC PDRA will have expertise in urban studies and undertake a research project designed by themselves in relation to an urban issue or challenge in the U.S. and/or abroad. They will be mentored by IOC Director Professor Loretta Lees.
The PDRA will receive early career mentoring in publishing, presentations, and grant writing. They will have the opportunity to be part of the events and programming of the IOC, including our urban seminar series and other programs at Boston University, which are consistent with the PDRA’s interests. The duties of the IOC PDRA will include conducting original research, publishing the research in top-tier journals, presenting the research to academic and non-academic audiences, and, more generally, using the research to increase the profile of urban work at the IOC. Actively seek and apply for external research funding, including drafting and submitting grant proposals. Support the center’s research initiatives by contributing to collaborative grant applications and identifying new funding opportunities to further the center’s mission.
This two-year postdoc position will be held at the IOC, located on the Charles River Campus of Boston University, and the annual salary is commensurate with NIH salary/stipend levels. Health benefits are provided.
By the start date, applicants should have a doctorate in urban studies, urban geography, political science, urban sociology, urban anthropology, urban planning, urban public health, urban environmental policy, or a related field. The individual should be able to work proactively and independently and must be comfortable managing competing project activities, deadlines, and outcomes. They also must possess strong communication and collaboration skills and be able to work effectively with University leaders and faculty program directors.
Application Instructions
Please submit the following parts of your application in order as a single PDF packet:
- Cover letter describing reasons for applying for the position and highlighting your research experience/expertise to date (1 page);
- A research proposal that includes a title, aims and objectives and/or research question(s), a literature review, a detailed methodology, and a work plan/timetable for two years (not more than three pages, 12pt font);
- Diversity & Inclusion Statement that describes the applicant’s demonstrated commitment and contributions to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion through the proposed research (1 page). We recognize the value of research and dissemination that broadens the IOC’s capacity to correct historical injustices and address exclusion and discrimination based on class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, citizenship, religion, and physical ability. Applicants are also encouraged to include their personal experiences with diversity and inclusion, including (but not limited to) their experience as a member of an underrepresented group, their engagement with diverse communities, and/or any professional training in diversity and inclusivity;
- CV that includes email contact information for three references; and
- 1-2 exemplar publications.
Please submit your materials to Stacy Fox (, Executive Director of the Initiative on Cities. The application deadline is April 1, 2025.