Constructing markets for new path development. The role of the state.
The aim of this project is to understand the role of strategic or deliberate state action in influencing the demand conditions for new regional path creation. The deliberate creation of markets is a relatively less explored dimension of path creation, both conceptually and in the practical design of regional policies and smart specialisation strategies. The project aims to address this gap by advancing the conceptualisation of market creation in regional branching processes and gathering evidence of past or on-going examples of deliberate demand-driven initiatives. The research will identify instances of deliberate path creation where public demand has played a key role. The focus will be on the role of public sector actors, intermediaries and other institutional entrepreneurs with system-level agency to support industrial paths. The main findings of this work are intended to inform the current debate on the role of the state in evolutionary economic geography as well as policy agendas around industrial policy and smart specialisation.
I am really honoured to receive an RSA Fellowship Research Grant for my project ‘Constructing markets for new path development’. The award will provide the resources and support needed to immerse myself into new literature and to gather empirical evidence into regional policies for new industrial path creation. The grant will help deepen and expand my research collaborations with key scholars and build a new and impactful research agenda.