I am delighted to have been asked to be the South African ambassador for the RSA. My sphere of expertise is urban and regional economics/planning with a focus on urbanisation and the development of cities. As an ambassador, I seek to have an overview of urban and regional research in (South) Africa and to promote RSA activities wherever possible. I would be very pleased to hear from any existing or potential members of the RSA in Southern Africa.
Human Sciences Research Council
Recent articles:
- Visagie, J. and Turok, I. (2021) ‘Rural-urban inequalities amplified by Covid-19: Evidence from South Africa’, Area Development and Policy
- Turok, I., Seeliger, L. and Visagie, J. (2021) ‘Restoring the Core: Central City Decline and Transformation in the South’, Progress in Planning, 144, pp.1-31.
- Turok, I and Habiyaremye, A. (2020) ‘Territorial collaboration: A novel way to spread prosperity’, Regional Studies, 54(12), pp.1776-1786.
- Turok, I. (2016) ‘Getting urbanisation to work in Africa: The role of the urban land-infrastructure-finance nexus’, Area Development and Policy, 1(1), pp.30-47.