Knowledge complexity of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in European regions: a network-based approach.
Climate change constitutes one of the most urgent problems nowadays, in which transition toward sustainability is considered necessary. Energy production is one of the most significant determinants of this transition. Within the literature of sustainability transitions, renewable energy technologies (RETs) constitute innovations aiming to fundamental changes to the existing energy production regime. While transition studies consider knowledge creation and transfer fundamental element of the innovation in RETs, very little is known about the relationship between knowledge creation and the characteristics of regions where RETs emerge. Therefore, my research primarily aims to understand how regional factors affect the development of different technological sub-trajectories in RETS, in terms of knowledge complexity. It will contribute to the existing literature by developing a framework on the relationship between regional characteristics and knowledge complexity in RETs. Empirically, it will provide an original dataset on knowledge network over time and across EEA regions. Finally, it will identify the regional determinants for the development of different technological sub-trajectories in RETs. The study of these regional factors may have important implications in the design and implementation of policies targeted to regions and into the transition process in the energy production field.
The support of Early Career RSA grant contributes to the communication and the dissemination of the results and findings of my current research to the wider RSA community.
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