I came to DIMETIC in Pecs, Hungary from 5th to 16th July 2010 because of my interest in regional innovation system.
DIMETIC is three different doctoral schools. The goal of DIMETIC summer school is to offer younger researchers a specific training in the new developments of the DIME, Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe, and to provide an opportunity for direct interaction between PhD students and seniors known for their expertise in the field. This is my second participation in DIMETIC session. This session was focused on “regional and policy dimensions of innovation and growth”. First week was ‘geography of innovation and growth’ and second week was ‘policy for knowledge economies’. The session of two weeks includes a series of lectures and PhD presentations discussed by one PhD and one senior, and various forms of meetings. I was selected to present my research progress and discuss other PhD works.
I am second year PhD student and topic is “to identify dynamic change of regional innovation system”. Especially, I am building framework to analysis change process. I was looking for something that would improve my direction. DIMEIC in Pecs was fit for my interest. During two weeks, My study benefitted greatly by understanding lectures on areas such as the geography theory, innovation process, various approaches to growth, geography econometrics and the role of policy in regional innovation.
There are many amazing things that happened. Understanding how these areas of knowledge might be useful for my dissertation was as often gained at presentation – that wonderful chance where staff and students gathered together to discuss each other’s research- as attending lectures. These opportunities were incredible for my work and created unexpected chances to further my work.
Finally, I introduced RSA during presentation and many of students were interested in RSA materials that I distributed. I am really appreciates to RSA for travel award to giving me attend DIMETIC session. Amazing city and great people!!