Ugo Fratesi is Full Professor of Regional Economics and Policy at Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
From June 2023, he is the Editor in Chief of Spatial Economic Analysis. Previously, for eight years until 2021, he was Editor of main section papers and Book Review Editor of Regional Studies and, for five years until 2012, of the Italian Journal of Regional Science.
He has been involved with various roles in a large number of research project, especially at European level, financed by the ESPON, FP5, FP7, Horizon and PRIN programmes, or the European Commission directly.
He is author of a textbook on “Regional Policy: Theory and Practice”, published by Routledge in 2024. He is also author of academic books and articles published in refereed journals in the field of regional economics and policy, primarily on the themes of regional growth and development, policy assessment, cohesion policy, territorial capital, the models for forecasting regional growth, the theory and measurement of regional disparities, the territorial aspects of human capital and innovation.
Further information and a full list of publications can be found at: