The Regional Studies Association Policy Impact Books form a series of punchy, policy-facing books addressing issues of contemporary concern. Policy Expo books are commissioned to address topical policy questions of contemporary importance to all communities engaged in regional and urban studies issues. The term “Expo” is taken to mean “a comprehensive description and meaning of an idea or theory”. The publication style is to use clear and coherent narrative addressing evidence for different policy and theoretical positions. Each topic is broad in scope, achieving global reach and relevance wherever possible. There is a consistent focus on the impact of policy research both in terms its reach to policy, academic and practitioner communities and also in its significance, to show how evidence can inform policy change within regional and urban studies.
Many of the books in the series present funded research from the RSA’s Policy Expo Grant Schemes.
RSA members receive hard copies of new books published in the series and have online access to the full series via the RSA Lounge.
Books published in the Series can be purchased here.
If you are interesting in publishing in the series, please reach out to us at to discuss your proposal.

Towards Cohesion Policy 4.0: structural transformation and inclusive growth

Putting universities in their place: The contribution of higher education to local and regional development

Levelling Up Left Behind Places: The scale and nature of the economic and policy challenge

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: the challenges facing cities and regions

COVID-19 and informal workers in Asian cities: Impact, response, and implications for urban recovery

Going Circular: Unlocking the Potential of Regions and Cities to Drive the Circular Economy Transition
Below are a selection of videos where authors from some of the books discuss policy recommendations:
Towards Cohesion Policy 4.0: structural transformation and inclusive growth
With John Bachtler
Revitalising Lagging Regions: Smart Specialisation and Industry 4.0
With Philip Tomlinson, Felicia Fai, Sandrine Labory and Mariachiara Barzotto
Every place matters: Towards effective place-based policy
With Sarah Ayres, Jiří Blažek and Andrew Beer
Levelling Up Left Behind Places: The scale and nature of the economic and policy challenge
With Andy Pike
Harnessing Global Value Chains for regional development
With Riccardo Crescenzi and Oliver Harman
COVID-19 and informal workers in Asian cities
With Redento Recio, Kazi Fattah and Iderlina Mateo-Babiano