As part of our new communications strategy and objective of involving more RSA members in the Association’s actions, we are currently looking for RSA members with expertise in assessing the challenges and opportunities in the achievement of United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Between 3 February and 16 March 2014, UN DESA and UNDP are moderating an e-discussion aimed at “Addressing ongoing and emerging challenges for meeting the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 and for sustaining development gains in the future”. The RSA wishes to respond focusing mainly on the role and importance of institutions.
As an Association we want to respond to this e-discussion, and give feedback based on the accumulated knowledge of our members. All contributions will be credited to the authors, but the response will be made on the behalf of the RSA.
If your expertise covers this field and you wish to participate in this discussion please contact Daniela Carl for more details.