A short post today with some photos from our first ever conference in China. For those of us who were able to make it to Beijing, I think it is fair to say that we were in awe at the sheer scale of the city and humbled by the graciousness of our hosts at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) – part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It’s also fair to say that conference attendees made use of the wide range cultural, culinary and sartorial opportunities Beijing has to offer! The RSA bloggers were of course in attendance and to prove it we thought we would share a few photos with you…
Prof. David Bailey opening the conference
Inside the ‘Bird’s Nest’ Olympic Stadium
Entrance to the Forbidden City in Beijing
Regions editor Ignazio Cabras sampling a local brew…
Exquisitely named elevator at the Bird’s Nest stadium
The Olympic Rings
Simon Pemberton and Kai Zhou at the Dinner