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News Categories: Event News

Reading time: 1 minutes

Watch the ADP Annual Lecture Recording: Coalitions & alliances: understanding their contribution to urban transformation, with Speaker: Diana Mitlin (University of Manchester, UK);  Discussants: Lalitha Kamath (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India) and Susan Parnell (University of Bristol, UK/University of Cape Town, South Africa); and Chair: Ivan Turok (South African NRF Research Chair in City-Region […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Welcome to the Regions in Recovery Second Edition 2022  presentation recording opt-in and opt-out page. Please let us know below whether you agree for your presentation to be recorded and made available online until 31.05.2022. You will need to explicitly give your permission, otherwise your presentation will not be recorded. If you do not respond […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

#RinR21 Festival Highlights & Recordings  Last week saw the end of the 2021 Regions in Recovery Festival (#RinR21). The Festival ran over 2.5 weeks, featured 458 papers, 124 sessions including 10 well-being sessions. The Festival was delivered in partnership with a number of societies and research-led networks and brought together the global regional studies and […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Regions in Recovery – register now for free and join over 900 other delegates I am writing to personally alert you to the Association’s forthcoming Regions in Recovery Global E-Festival. This starts next week and runs from 2nd to 18th June 2021. This special event is being run between 14 partner organisations and brings together […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

RinR21 Reporters A very warm welcome to our #RinR21 reporters who will share their insights and experiences throughout #RinR21. Please feel free to link up to learn more about their work and the Festival. Ghinwa Moujaes is doing a PhD in Local Development and International Cooperation at INGENIO in Valencia, Spain. Lucas Arantes Garcia is […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

Welcome to the Regions in Recovery presentation recording opt-in and opt-out page. Please let us know below whether you agree for your presentation to be recorded and made available online until 31.08.2021. You will need to explicitly give your permission, otherwise your presentation will not be recorded. If you do not respond by 26.05.2021, we […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

The Regions in Recovery e-Festival is a research-led celebration of thinking about our regions and cities in a time of great crisis and change. The word Festival illustrates that the event takes place over several weeks, accommodating the work of many researchers and policymakers along with an optional social and well-being programme. The collective goal […]

Reading time: 1 minutes

As part of the 2021 Regions in Recovery E-Festival, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network. Click here to submit an abstract to one of the special sessions, please choose the […]

Reading time: 11 minutes

On September 29- October 2, 2020, NOIR hosted a series of virtual workshops on Water Infrastructure and Regional Governance. The workshop series, attended by participants from around the world, was designed to foster a global interdisciplinary conversation examining: (1) how water infrastructure shapes formal and informal regional spaces, communities, and governance dynamics; and (2) how […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

Following on from its great success and continuing popularity, the RSA Professional Development Webinar Series resumes on 2nd September, after a short summer break in August. We are again offering (almost) weekly webinars on timely topics for researchers at different career stages. All webinars are free and open to attend for all. A recording of […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

Speakers: Professor Joan Fitzgerald, Northeastern Universtiy, USA Paul Hockenous, Journalist, Germany Dr. Rogério Studart, The New Climate Economy at the World Resources Institute, USA Open to all and free to attend, this webinar series aims to bring experts in the field of regional studies, science and policy to you. The webinar can be watched live […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

This webinar, held on the 3 September 2020, was organised in collaboration between the OECD Spatial Productivity Lab at the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development (an integral part of Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities) and the Regional Studies Association. The webinar was the 9th Meeting of the OECD Spatial Productivity Lab and part of […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Following on from a successful first series and with continuing popularity, the RSA Regions Cities Industry Webinar Series resumes on 30th September, after a short summer break. We are again offering monthly webinars on timely topics for researchers and policymakers alike. All webinars are free and open for all to attend. You can find more […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Global Value Chains and Foreign Direct Investment create both opportunities and challenges for cities and regions. The pandemic has deeply affected consolidated internationalisation patterns and the local impacts of these global forces. Regional recovery needs to leverage all possible opportunities offered by the new global order. This calls for a re-consideration of existing policy tools […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

Open to all and free to attend, this webinar series aims to bring experts in the field of regional studies, science and policy to you. The webinar can be watched live but will also available on demand. The webinars will run live once a month and feature researcher and policymaker experts. They include time for […]

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Reading time: 1 minutes

Open to all and free to attend, this webinar series aims to bring experts in the field of regional studies, science and policy to you. The webinar can be watched live but will also available on demand. The webinars will run live once a month and feature researcher and policymaker experts. They include time for […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Entrepreneurship can promote economic performance in a variety of ways, short-term and in the longer run. A key finding of recent empirical studies is that high regional levels of entrepreneurship in terms of self-employment and new business formation tend to be rather persistent and can last for decades or even more than a century. A […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Open to all and free to attend, this webinar series aims to bring experts in the field of regional studies, science and policy to you. The webinar can be watched live but will also available on demand. The webinars will run live once a month and feature researcher and policymaker experts. They include time for […]

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