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News Categories: Journals News

Reading time: 3 minutes

Smart specialisation, the mainstay of the EU innovation policy for the past decade, comes under sharp scrutiny in a new book launched today, 26 September, at the EU Joint Research Centre, in Seville. Based on the idea that the state supports developing technologies and innovation by nurturing the capabilities and specialisms within regions, smart specialisation […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are delighted to be able to announce this year’s RSA journals Best Paper and Best Referee awards for journal issues published in 2018. Our awards acknowledge and celebrate excellence in the research and editorial fields of regional studies, crossing thematic and disciplinary fields. We would like to congratulate to all our winners and look […]

Reading time: 4 minutes

Regional Studies – VISIT JOURNAL ARTICLES Abstract Deadline: 31 October 2019 Call for papers is available here.  Guest Editors Luca Mora, Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School, Scotland, United Kingdom Anastasia Panori, Aristotle University, School of Engineering, URENIO Research, Greece Mark Deakin, Edinburgh Napier University, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Scotland, United Kingdon Raquel Ortega-Argiles, University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

Regional Studies paper – Industrial Inheritances: Makers, Relatedness and Materiality in New York and Chicago – wins The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP)–Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation 2019 Best Paper Award The Editorial Board of Regional Studies are delighted to acknowledge the achievements of Max Eisenburger, Marc Doussard, Laura Wolf-Powers, Greg Schrock & Stephen Marotta in being awarded the […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

Regional Studies  Regional Studies is our flagship journal covering theoretical developments, empirical analysis and policy debates that stretch across the interdisciplinary fields of regional studies. It aims to systematically connect the insights from different disciplines  to help in the understanding of how and why regions and cities evolve.  It publishes original research spanning the economic,  social, […]

Reading time: 3 minutes

Regional Studies  Regional Studies is our flagship journal covering theoretical developments, empirical analysis and policy debates that stretch across the interdisciplinary fields of regional studies. It aims to systematically connect the insights from different disciplines  to help in the understanding of how and why regions and cities evolve.  It publishes original research spanning the economic,  social, […]

Reading time: 2 minutes

We are proud to present our first Regional Studies Policy Impact book – Towards Cohesion Policy 4.0: Structural Transformation and Inclusive Growth written by Professor John Bachtler, Dr Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Dr Peter Wostner and Dr Piotr Zuber. In the context of the debate on the future of Europe, this book makes the case for a new approach to structural […]

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Reading time: 2 minutes

Do you know about the Routledge Benefits for Regional Studies Association Members? New and forthcoming books Diversities of Innovation Edited by Ulrich Hilpert This volume brings together a range of world experts to compare countries and continents and help develop a fuller picture of innovations and their social basis. It will be of interest to researchers […]

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