As part of the 2020 RSA Annual Conference, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network.
As part of the 2020 RSA Annual Conference, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network.
As part of the 2019 RSA Winter Conference, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network.
As part of the 2019 Central and Eastern Europe Conference, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network.
We would like to thank conference delegates who have made a donation to the RSA as part of this conference. Your financial contribution helps us to continue our work and offer free events such as the 2nd CEE conference in Lublin. Thank you!
As part of the 2019 RSA Latin America Division Conference, we welcome proposals for Special Sessions in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular topic and to develop or further extend your network.
A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival The organisers encourage joining special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. As part of the 2018 Annual Conference, participants can submit their abstracts to Special Sessions listed below. Special Sessions are a great way to […]
Metropolises and Peripheries of CEE Countries: New Challenges for EU, National and Regional Policies An international conference under the honorary patronage of Narodowy Bank Polski Narodowy Bank Polski is the central bank of the Republic of Poland. Its tasks are stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Act on Narodowy Bank […]
New Horizons for Cities and Regions in a Changing World RSA Policy Expo: HEIs in Regional Development Putting Universities in their Place – An Evidence Based Approach to Understanding the Contribution of Higher Education to Local and Regional Development Session organisers: Mark Tewdwr-Jones and Louise Kempton, Newcastle University, UK Paul Vallance, Sheffield University, UK Maria Conceição […]
Regional Governance, Industrial Restructuring and Sustainable Development The organisers encourage joining special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. As part of the 2018 Global Conference on China, participants can submit their abstracts to Special Sessions listed below. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular […]
Regional Governance, Industrial Restructuring and Sustainable Development The organisers encourage joining special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. As part of the 2018 Global Conference on China, participants can submit their abstracts to Special Sessions listed below. Special Sessions are a great way to bring together presenters to discuss and highlight a particular […]
Urban and Rural Wellbeing, First Nations Economies and Global Value Chains for Regional Sustainability Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities Session organiser(s) Stefanie Dühr, University of South Australia, Australia: Stefanie.Duehr@unisa.edu.au Melissa Nursey-Bray, University of Adelaide, Australia: Melissa.Nursey-Bray@adelaide.edu.au The UN’s sustainable development goals and the global agenda on climate protection have prompted many countries to review their […]
A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival The organisers encourage joining special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. As part of the 2018 Annual Conference, participants can submit their abstracts to Special Sessions listed below. Special Sessions are a great way to […]
The Place Dimension of Cities and Regions: Governance, Industrial Development and Sustainability The Cohesion Policy of the European Union after the Economic Crisis & Brexit: Back to National Regional Policies?: Regional Studies Journal Roundtable City Economic Evolutions The Cohesion Policy of the European Union after the Economic Crisis & Brexit: Back to National Regional Policies? […]
Regional Polarisation and Unequal Development in CEE: Challenges for Innovative Place-based Policies Smart Specialisation: Challenges and Opportunities for Lagging Regions Smart Specialisation: Challenges and Opportunities for Lagging Regions Session organiser(s) Cluj IT Cluster, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (prof. Stelian Brad) Special Session Speaker: Dominique Foray, Full Professor of Economics and Management of Innovation at the École Polytechnique […]
Fragmented Regional Worlds: Inequality and Populism in a Globalising World S1. City and Regional Deal-Making, Intergovernmental Contractual Relations and Multi-Level Governance S2. You are where you eat? What role for geography, spatial planning and regional development in the quest for healthier and more sustainable food systems S3. Organising the 21st Century City S4. Regional and […]
Urbanisation in Latin America: Exclusion, Marginality and Conflict SS1. Urbanization in the Global-South: Towards New Paradigms SS2. Urban Agriculture: Reinventing Forms of Appropriation of City & Nature SS3. Metropolitan Planning & the University : Strengthening Citizenship through Local-regional Politics SS1. Urbanization in the Global-South Towards New Paradigms Session organiser(s) Arpita Biswas, PhD Candidate, University of […]
the Great Regional Awakening: New Directions Brexit, Trump & the Dusk of Globalisation? New Directions in Economic & Financial Geography: Special FinGEO Panel Planning in the Metropolitan Century Open Access Publishing with the RSA: Quickly Reach a Wider Audience, Publish Smart Specialisation and Evolutionary Economic Geography : Essential Symbiosis in Order to Advance the Agenda? […]
the Great Regional Awakening: New Directions SS1. Participatory Research & Planning SS2. New Regional Growth Paths & Entrepreneurial Discovery SS3. Poverty & Inequality in a Regional Perspective SS4. Imagine Europe SS5. Environmental Regionalism & Emerging Spaces of Environmental Governance SS6. Understanding Patterns of Psychology-related Regional Inequalities & Polarization SS7. Will Urban & Regional Leadership be […]
New Pressures on Cities and Regions Managing change in your local economy: have your views heard Interpreting long-term urban economic transformation in cities The Political Economy of Brexit External and Internal Displacement: Impacts and Lessons Learned from Resettlement Processes Book Panel – Local and Regional Development, 2nd Edition Managing change in your local economy: have […]
Regional and Urban Studies for Strategic Planning and Development ‘Imperfect markets: urban and regional aspects’ ‘Imperfect markets: urban and regional aspects’ Session organiser(s) Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (MSSE HSE), Russia (Academic advisors: Jacques-Francois Thisse and Kristian Behrens). The section covers a broad variety […]
Cities and Regions: Managing Growth and Change SS1. Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability SS2. Working Regions: Rethinking Regional Manufacturing Policy Panel Session. Regional Collaboration for Effective Economic Development Manufacturing Strategies: IMCP Communities What Open Access Can do for You? : Special Session with RSA Editors SS1. Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability Session organiser(s) Dr. Gerd […]
Building Bridges: Cities and Regions in a Transnational World Path dependency and regional renewal The limits of post-transition: Regional development at the crossroads in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe Entrepreneurial Cities and Regions for Climate Policy and Governance? The Emerging City of Milan The development of Peripheral Areas in Italy: A European Perspective Cohesion Policy […]
Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference 2014 – Sheffield, UK Student & Early Career Session: Pros & Cons of Publishing in Open Access Student & Early Career Session Pros & Cons of Publishing in Open Access Session organiser(s) Julie Tian Miao, RSA Early Career Representative Eduardo Oliveira, RSA Student Representative Pros & Cons of Publishing […]
Global Growth Agendas: Regions, Institutions and Sustainability – Piacenza, Italy SS1. Future of Cities SS2. Europe 2020 Strategy & the Role of the Regions SS3. Have Cluster-based Economic & Regeneration Policies Lost their ‘Buzz’? Where are we Heading & where Should we be Heading with Regard to Cluster Research & Policy? SS4. Imbalances & resilience […]