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People Categories: Ambassador

Hola colega, ¡Qué bueno contar contigo en la representación en Colombia de la Asociación de Estudios Regionales (Regional Studies Association, RSA)! La RSA es una comunidad científica enfocada en estudiar una amplia diversidad de temas regionales, pensada para conectar a personas en la academia, estudiantes, profesionales y tomadoras/es de decisiones. Con esta delegación en Colombia, […]

Igor Tupy  is an Associate (tenured) Professor at the Federal University of Viçosa, UFV (Department of Economics), Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Economics at the Centre for Development and Regional Planning (CEDEPLAR) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Igor’s main research interests include Urban and Regional Economics with a […]

Oliver Rafaj is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Regional Development at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia. Oliver has previously worked as a Spatial Planner, a Junior Analyst in the Institute for Strategy and Analysis (ISA) in Slovakia and an expert consultant for Trnava self-governing region. Please find below […]

Abeer is an Assistant Minister in the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, focusing on scientific and international affairs. She is on sabbatical from her position of Professor of Urban Morphology, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Abeer obtained her BSc in urban design and spatial planning in 1999 from Ain Shams University, Cairo. […]

Benedict is a development geographer with special interest in the study of the spatial dimension of development in its discourses and materializations from critical perspectives. He also has a varied background in development practice with experience from the public, non-governmental as well in international development co-operation. Local economic development, Regional and urban planning, Decentralization, Mining, […]

Sanja Kmezić is a lecturer at the University of Graz, where she teaches Economic Analysis of Law, Socio-economic Development in South East Europe, and Transition Policy and Regional Development in South East Europe. Sanja has worked as an international consultant for the World Bank, European Commission, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and USAID on […]

The RSA Ambassador to USA is Michael Glass, Director of the Urban Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh. As the United States ambassador for the RSA, it’s my pleasure to assist anyone who wants to address the unruly, diverse, and essential set of regionalisms that exist across the country. I look forward to working […]

Doddy Isakandar, the RSA Ambassador to Indonesia is Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada. He is also Head of Spatial Planning Support Lab, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Please find below a welcome note from Doddy in Bahasa Indonesia followed by English translation:   Bapak/Ibu […]

A welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Denmark, Laura James Laura James is Associate Professor in the Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University in Denmark. Laura is a long time friend of the RSA and has been on the RSA Nordic Division (NoRSA) Board for many years. She replaces Henrik Halkier who […]

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassadpr to Sweden, Roman Martin Dear friends of regional studies, It is a pleasure to introduce myself to you as RSA Ambassador to Sweden. Feel welcome to contact me if you are curious about regional studies in Sweden or want to get involved in RSA. Please find below a welcome […]

Welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Norway Maria Tsouri Kjære RSA-medlemmer, Jeg heter Maria Tsouri, jeg er førsteamanuensis ved Mohn Senter for innovasjon og regional utvikling ved Høgskolen på Vestlandet, og jeg er ambassadør for RSA for Norge. Min personlige akademiske bakgrunn er økonomisk geografi, og mine forskningsinteresser ligger mellom innovasjonsgeografi og overgangen til […]

Уважаемые коллеги – российские члены Ассоциации региональных исследований (RSA) и все, кто интересуется региональной наукой и хотел бы больше узнать об Ассоциации и ее работе, В качестве посла Ассоциации в России я готов ответить на ваши вопросы и обсудить ваши идеи и предложения о развитии российской секции RSA, организации конференций и других мероприятий в России, […]

The Chair of the RSA Wales Section is Max Munday, Director of the Welsh Economy Research Unit at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. “The Welsh section of the RSA has been active since the early 1990s. The Welsh economy is a valuable lens through which to examine regional policy and economic issues, being a devolved […]

The Chair of the RSA Ireland Section is Justin Doran, Director of the Spatial and Regional Economics Research Centre and a Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Cork University Business School, University College Cork “The Regional Studies Irish Section (RSAIR) was officially open in 1974 to provide a forum to discuss regional issues in Ireland. […]

I am a Senior Lecturer at the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health, and  a program leader for an MSc in Social Innovation at Glasgow Caledonian University.  I have studied political science and sociology at the University of Florence.  I hold a Master Degree in Applied Social Research from the University of Manchester and […]

The Chair of the RSA Hungary Section is Viktor Varjú, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Regional Studies, KRTK, HUN-REN. Az RSA fontos csatornát jelent a magyar és a nemzetközi regionális tanulmányi (és tudományi) közösségek között. Az RSA-n keresztül a hazai kutatók hamar értesülhetnek a kulcsfontosságú nemzetközi trendekről és az RSA nemzetközi közössége is értesül a […]

Will Eadson

The Chair of the RSA Yorkshire and Humberside Branch, Will Eadson, is a Reader in Urban and Regional Sustainability at CRESR, Sheffield Hallam University. Will has been involved in the RSA for over a decade and more generally has taken an active role in promoting urban and regional studies as a discipline since the early […]

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The Chair of the West Midlands Branch, Jun Du is Professor of Economics and Director of Lloyds Banking Centre for Business Prosperity at Aston Business School, Aston University. “Hello! This is Jun Du, Chair of RSA in West Midlands. It is my great pleasure to send this welcome message to you at the outset of […]

The Branch Chair, Elvira Uyarra, is a Reader, Innovation Policy & Strategy and Director, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, University of Manchester. “Having been a member of the RSA for over a decade, RSA Fellow since 2017 and having attended the conferences since my PhD days, I am honored to contribute to the life of […]

The Chair of the RSA South West Branch, Ian Smith, is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol). “I work on a wide range of issues relating to regional economics and to the production of public policy at different territorial levels.  In this I hold to the […]

Ignazio Cabras is Professor of Regional Economic Development and Head of the Accounting and Financial Management Department at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University. His research interests are focused on economics and environment, with particular emphasis on regional growth and networks, public sector management, employment issues, urban-rural dynamics, sustainability, community cohesion and social capital, the beer […]

Hi there. I’m Dave Valler, Reader in Planning in the School of the Built Environment at Oxford Brookes University. It’s an honour to take up the Chair of the RSA London and South East Branch and I look forward to meeting and working with colleagues within and outside the area. It’s a fascinating time, not least against the […]

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