This blog follows the recent release of the book Paradiplomacy in Europe. The cases of Galicia, Åland, Flanders and Greenland. The idea of the “Europe of the regions”, multilevel governance, and the so-called paradiplomacy (Aldecoa and Keating, 2000) of substate governments is something that has less of a shine than what was the case […]
A welcome message from the RSA Ambassador to Denmark, Laura James Laura James is Associate Professor in the Department of Culture and Learning at Aalborg University in Denmark. Laura is a long time friend of the RSA and has been on the RSA Nordic Division (NoRSA) Board for many years. She replaces Henrik Halkier who […]
NORSA was formally established at a meeting in Umeå, Sweden, in September 2008. NORSA is a non-political, voluntary, self-governing organisation with non-profit objectives and shares the aims and objects of the Regional Studies Association, which are: (a) to promote education in the field of regional studies (those studies which relate to the economic, physical and […]
Commencing operation in 2021, a new tunnel will provide the final piece in the jigsaw linking the city of Hamburg in Germany to Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmö in Sweden which together form the STRING region. This fixed link will complement the existing bridge crossing the Öresund strait between Denmark and Sweden which opened to […]
Hot off the press from the European Commisssion’s Regional Policy unit is a working paper by Nicholas Charron, Lewis Dijkstra and Victor Lapuente Gine on the quality of regional governance in the EU. This is part of the ‘Regional Focus & Working Papers’ series and it contains some fascinating insights into the quality of regional […]