Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin Доктор экономических наук, Профессор Уральского федерального университета (Екатеринбург, Россия) Research interests: Regional and city economy, Development of industrial territories, Local government, Assessment of regulatory impact Исследовательские интересы: региональная и городская экономика, развитие промышленных территорий, местное самоуправление, оценка регулирующего […]
Oto Hudec is a professor in Public Administration and Regional Development at the Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice (Slovak Republic). The systemic approach in his research on region, city and space is the impetus for linking the three main elements of the regional innovation system – public administration, business and research institutions and […]
Stimati RSA colleagues! In calitatea mea de ambasador al Romaniei la RSA va invit pe aceasta cale sa contribuiti la dezvoltarea studiilor regionale. Va stau la dispozitie cu sfaturi si sugestii, nu ezitati sa ma contactati. Dear RSA colleagues! In my capacity as RSA Ambassador to Romania, I invite you in this way to […]
Maciej Smętkowski is Associate Professor at the Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG), Warsaw University. He is the Chair of the Polish Section of the RSA. He is also one of two RSA Ambassadors to Poland. Please find below a message from Maciej in Polish and English: Szanowni Państwo, Zachęcam do zainteresowania […]
Balázs’ current teaching activities are mainly related to regional studies – regional economics, policy, programming. His current research is focused on regional policy in the EU after 2014, locally based economic development and theories of economic growth and development at the regional level, including: financial geography: financial centres and the spatial aspects of capital flows […]
Vážené kolegyně a kolegové, z pozice národního ambasadora Regional Studies Association v České republice jsem připraven vám poskytnout nejen informace o této mezinárodní asociaci, ale také i určitou pomoc při sdílení poznatků a zkušeností v oboru regionálních věd. Pokud se zabýváte problematikou regionálních studií a máte zájem o spolupráci na národní či mezinárodní úrovni, neváhejte mě kontaktovat. Zdraví, […]
Hot off the press from the European Commisssion’s Regional Policy unit is a working paper by Nicholas Charron, Lewis Dijkstra and Victor Lapuente Gine on the quality of regional governance in the EU. This is part of the ‘Regional Focus & Working Papers’ series and it contains some fascinating insights into the quality of regional […]