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Territories Categories: Egypt

Traditional urban design education often relies on theoretical lectures and isolated projects, which can fall short of preparing students for the complexities of creating sustainable, inclusive cities. Recognizing this gap, Dr. Nancy M. Abdel-Moneim (Associate Professor at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Smart Village Campus) and Dr. Mennatullah Hendawy (representing the Center for […]

Abeer is an Assistant Minister in the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, focusing on scientific and international affairs. She is on sabbatical from her position of Professor of Urban Morphology, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Abeer obtained her BSc in urban design and spatial planning in 1999 from Ain Shams University, Cairo. […]

Head of the Architectural Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering and Technology – Future University in Egypt الزملاء الأعزاء مصر هي أكبر دولة فى الشرق الاوسط من حيث اهميتها الإقليمية فى العديد من النواحي الجغرافية و الثقافية و التاريخية و الاقتصادية  و السياسية. و لقد شهدت مصر منذ ما يزيد عن 50 عاما العديد من […]

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